Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [to-vb] [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 They were expressly forbidden to engage in any other activities , of course .
2 The effective dealer always made a client feel that he had personally decided to go into any given investment .
3 She gave us much rein to pull in any direction , but never failed to pull us up and say , in effect , ‘ what the hell are you up to ? ’ or ‘ stop that carry-on at once ! ’
4 The problem is that average or below average performers may not feel sufficiently motivated to put in any extra effort if they consider that only top performers are likely to win .
5 Competition , the price of alternatives etcetera and then you only have to look in any travel agent 's window to see that that 's an important factor today .
6 You only have to walk into any art gallery these days to see that the real action is in the shop .
7 At the other extreme to the shy child is the unruly one who does not want to join in any activity , has seen every trick the magician performs and ‘ knows ’ how to do them .
8 Er I do n't think it probably that it does decide help you decide where the location ought to be , but that having said that , I would not want to minimize in any way er the views of my authority er as to the importance erm of the look of contributions from the private sector .
9 This is not intended to demean in any way the at times very fine lithographs that Redon produced , but rather to imply that they are directly connected in his mind to the literary and visual sources that interested him , including Edgar Allan Poe , Charles Baudelaire , Gustave Flaubert , Stephane Mallarmé , and Goya amongst others .
10 Happily I do not need to go into any great detail because on the central issues there was no great conflict between them .
11 And the other thing is that it 's er a wide syllabus is fine as long as you 're not expected to go in any depth , but you 're expected to go sort of both , a broad syllabus and into a little bit of depth more than perhaps erm I mean in effect I mean you 're not far off of covering A level psychology at this at tha the level we 're going to .
12 He had not expected to pay for any drinks tonight .
13 Formally but icily they replied that they " do not desire to interfere with any views which he may have towards improving his position in life , but they expect that he will give them six months ' notice of his intention to resign the mastership of the School " .
14 ‘ Ken Barlow is one character I did not expect to survive for any great length of time , ’ said the Street 's creator Warren , 55 .
15 The rich and any poor ( risk-averse ) non-participants can not expect to gain from any revolution and will be happy to see potential revolutionaries bought off .
16 Mitchell 's ( 1950 ) study of villages in the South West is particularly relevant because the considerable variations in population change rates that he noted did not appear to conform with any simple indices of accessibility .
17 Control over prices and incomes is something which the government may or may not choose to implement in any period .
18 It was all around me and I did not dare to go in any direction .
19 I 'm not going to go into any length about the community arts budget , that is one area of service provision that we feel , and I 've said for the last two years , does not provide value for money .
20 A fine of £4,000 is certainly not going to act as any kind of deterrent to her future behaviour .
21 Perhaps ; but a typical reaction of the electorate at large could be more confidently predicted : " If your candidates ca n't agree among themselves we 're not going to vote for any of them " .
22 Well clearly it is not going to yield to any such analysis , and to believe that it will is to deny the reality of subjective life and to side with the behaviourists .
23 And I 'm not going to listen to any more of your lies . ’
24 One is not going to run into any social or economic or moral consequences of quasars , but you will , if you work in DNA replication erm and other areas of the physical sciences .
25 The greatest lineout jumper in the world is not going to walk into any old team and have it happen overnight .
26 She was not going to jump to any more dubious conclusions .
27 a matter will be er that we going to fight er , easily er so I mean i , it meant that the er , that er er some more should be brought out so that it er does er adhere to what er these er er government departments er expect as a response rather than er er as this considered issue raising er , we can er facilitate that er quite er easily but er I think er the the main point is what Hugh has said , that er we opposed it because it 's not going to help in my view it 's not going to help er the patients , the patients are not going to come off any better as a result of er , these er er what I would say and I feel and er the , I I I 'd like to know what er the GP 's think about cos GP 's usually erm er , advise their patients if they have to wait a long time from one hospital , they would advise them to go into London and er , if that 's been stopped as been er that 's been stated erm then erm , er the GP 's are not going to feel very happy about their patients er , getting er erm a lesser service .
28 Well Monsieur Mitterrand has already made it clear that in some important respects I think particularly of defence , erm that , that 's he not going to rush into any changes .
29 This was a declaration of sorts , however lightly made , and one which Dr Neil had not thought to make to any woman in any form , and before Sally-Anne could take in its full meaning he rapidly continued , ‘ And now let us stop providing entertainment for the passers-by .
30 I would desperately like to talk to any other mother who has had experience of this problem .
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