Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pers pn] with one " in BNC.

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1 No erm as I say , I never saw her in there erm I looked under the bed saw nothing was there , I just dropped it with one hand .
2 The programmatic development of the Copernican theory over more than a century has already provided us with one example .
3 Erm , in two point four , you just do it with one key , if you want to delete a cell out that 's del .
4 On the same vessel there is the foot of Mercury , identified by his winged shoe , and the feet of a female with what appears to be a spindle ( fig. 14.26b ) , possibly identifying her with one of the Fates , an unusual theme .
5 Conversation can also provide them with one of the most effective means for trying out ideas and modifying them in the light of the feedback received .
6 You ca n't do it with one , it 's too few , and you do n't need three , so you do it with two .
7 He then grabbed me with one hand and grabbed my steering wheel with the other .
8 The latter can be cone very neatly by drilling a small hole then enlarging it with one of the conical sheet metal drills .
9 " Give him three ounces of this immediately in a pint of water , then follow it with one and a half ounces night and morning and let us know if he is n't a lot better in two days . "
10 Kate tried to ignore his admiring glance , but she could n't help blushing a little , which showed how much off balance she was because normally she was so used to this sort of conversation that she could , as it were , verbally handle it with one hand tied behind her back .
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