Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pers pn] [vb base] for " in BNC.

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1 A man buys a razor and shaving cream and later returns saying you have only given him change for £5 instead of £10 .
2 One good idea is to analyse a few stories by your favourite authors before you begin , not to begin , not to copy their style , but to find out how much plot you need for 5000 words or less .
3 When the first contestant to go for the top prize , Marine Captain Richard MacCutchin who , oddly , specialized in haute cuisine , pulled it off by describing the ingredients of a royal banquet given by George VI to the president of France , three-quarters of American television sets were tuned in to watch him wrestle for the answers .
4 This is the best exercise I know for eliminating inches from the waistline .
5 Belief … may be said to be the state of mind of a person who says to himself : " I can not say I know for certain that these goods are stolen , but there can be no other reasonable conclusion in the light of circumstances …
6 I also proposed they aim for all other dogs ( except known or obvious ‘ nasties ’ ) and people , and to speak encouragingly to Moby as they did so , to keep him relaxed .
7 Although in most senses he enjoyed being there , to the denuded hills and the blackened crofts of neglected Dalriada , it also gave him cause for concern .
8 I do n't think they work for me !
9 There are things I have to do ; things I have to think about , Holy Father , Father Tom , things that are occupying my mind and I ca n't give you time for these things , these words , Father Tom , Your Holiness . ’
10 Might even keep you quiet for an hour or two . ’
11 WHEN your car wo n't go you send for a very nice man from the breakdown services — but what do you do if something 's not quite right in your £1.85 billion reprocessing plant ?
12 ‘ I ca n't say I care for the idea of you two discussing me behind my back , but if you must know I was suffering from reaction , ’ said Leonora with dignity .
13 If you show that you are a master of the relevant knowledge , the examiner will readily give you credit for knowing the rest of the subject , An example would be the question : ‘ The jury is a historical anachronism . ’
14 My Lord this is course made I apologise for the of authority to support it .
15 Erm and he is definitely booked you know for the high court and all of that , he 's
16 I 've never known him go for the skinny boyish type before . ’
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