Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun pl] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Computationally realised models of word form realisation for these languages will be constructed in order to get some insight into the precise nature of the formal mechanisms needed to account for the range of possibilities that languages display in this area .
2 Existing comprehensive schools in Coventry , for example , had successfully developed forms of organization based upon the ‘ house ’ — a unit in which a pupil would remain throughout his school career , and to which also belonged a group of teachers .
3 This is not to say that all members of an epistemic sub-culture — say economics or anthropology or even nebulous professionally oriented clusterings of knowledge such as pharmacy or business studies subscribe to the dominant concepts , theories and approaches of the corpus .
4 Why had Shirley Brown had to mention the point on her brief visit to him earlier that morning , and sowed those slowly germinating seeds of doubt ?
5 A funeral procession from the workhouse had had the temerity to pass through his Lordship 's private grounds , thereby producing feelings of outrage .
6 This AE recalls a sales manager who tuned in to AEs ' telephone conversations , thereby gaining snippets of information about their private lives which he would not hesitate to use .
7 The Federal Assembly on April 20 voted by a large majority to accept a proposal to rename the state the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic ( CSFR ) , thereby ending weeks of controversy over the issue .
8 Wilson ( 1991 ) argues that in reality most old people can live well and independently with properly targeted inputs of help at times of crisis or illness .
9 I had to keep on signing bits of paper which were meant to list my property , but I had no opportunity to read anything .
10 Above all , it has been unable to bring the highly differentiated elements of strategy and social constituencies together behind a convincing vision of a more deeply democratic and at the same time thoroughly 20th-century , socially just society .
11 In the graphic image taken from contemporary devotion of the lord who aspires to kiss Christ 's mouth in spiritual devotions and in doing so neglects acts of charity and so treads on his feet , Hilton skilfully combines all the strands of thought on the roles of action and contemplation in the Christian life as the means by which the individual works out his full spiritual potential ( 25 – 6.273 – 88 ) .
12 As Bateson ( 1973 ) argues , the psychological frame appropriate in discussing play or games is more akin to a picture frame than to the logical frame of a mathematical set : what is outside the picture frame is irrelevant and one can only make judgements of comparison and contrast on matters within the frame .
13 The rather pompous periphrasis " the candidate for the honour of taking his education in hand " doubtless represents the boy 's self-centred view of Pemberton , but in language quite above the boy 's apparently limited powers of expression : what it seems to express is Pemberton 's image of himself as he sees it reflected through the mind of the child .
14 Idealism , and the quest for action , drove him to change regiments and branches of the service , and so lose chances of promotion beyond the rank of subaltern .
15 His interest in hygiene and disinfection was evident in sales of ‘ ozone water ’ , in his patents dealing with the preparation and use of chlorine and of highly oxidized compounds of manganese , and in his authorship of five short books on the topic between 1860 and 1867 .
16 The constant impact against the field 's rim , of everything from showers of meteors down to stray molecules of gas , resulted in a cosmic fireworks display of spectacular proportions : a long tail of deteriorating matter stretched out along the path which the ship had taken .
17 Sometimes this is built-in to the carpet in the form of a heavy foam backing which only needs layers of newspaper underneath it .
18 He did apparently display signs of hypochondria , however — Herbert Read remembered how he was " addicted to pills and potions " and , according to another friend , he kept a variety of pills in his lower waistcoat pocket — but hypochondria , if such it was , was only one aspect of a larger nervous disposition .
19 Since Roberts 's book focuses on women , she necessarily highlights patterns of exchange which are specific to women , and it is quite possible that both duty and affection were ( and are ) more prominent in exchanges between women than when men are involved .
20 Now it is certainly true that a complex whole necessarily contains relations of subordination and domination if the presence of principal and secondary contradictions within it is made into a defining characteristic .
21 Whether or not humans with a thrifty genotype did in the past ( or continue to ) better survive periods of famine has not been directly proved .
22 If one had to make a guess , it is that within another ten years or so ‘ environment ’ will have become a somewhat passé term , rather as ‘ ecological ’ has , simply because of its insufficiency as a generic description ; a term which links the preservation of rural landscapes in Europe to the fate of millions in Bangladesh obviously has problems of definition .
23 ‘ Experiments of nature ’ , the naturally occurring fluctuations of life experience , have therefore been resorted to , but though these have raised some intriguing questions they have so far provided few conclusive answers .
24 Our research was designed to ensure that the field-worker was also around a great deal and was stubborn in exploiting the naturally occurring situations of privacy , where natural conversation is inevitable because it is interactionally difficult to abstain from it , such as in the back of vehicles , in the sanger while on guard duty , relaxing in many of the recreational rooms , or off duty .
25 It is plain from Locke 's examples that they ( or , strictly , the things of which they are ideas ) are naturally occurring kinds of material thing or stuff .
26 This effect has been most noticeable , for obvious reasons , in the most highly capitalized forms of production .
27 This principle includes the need to see whether the professional or other body under scrutiny not only has rules of conduct , which will be thoroughly scrutinised within the statutory machinery , but also has an effective mechanism for enforcing the rules of conduct and is likely to enforce them .
28 The Bantu Mirror , established in 1936 , circulated in both Rhodesias , using African languages , but employed no African reporters : it merely used translations of news from Argus papers .
29 As a star , Bette Davis was of the type commonly designated ‘ inimitable ’ , which tends to mean ( as it did in her case ) that she eventually became the butt of countless imitators ; and these imitators merely accentuated symptoms of self-parody that were already detectable in her own screen presence .
30 Gently remove sprigs of rosemary from the stalk and sprinkle over chicken with chopped parsley .
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