Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun pl] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The base on which this is probably rightly set bears the signature of Antenor .
2 Christabel Pankhurst reasoned that the state was composed of men who not only denied women the vote but also tacitly condoned male immorality and sexual violence .
3 Animals discover by experimentation what works and what does not , and so experience shapes the behaviour .
4 She had drilled herself to super-efficiency and had become one of the very highly paid temps the advertisements talk about , because there seemed little point in such jobs unless they were extravagantly rewarded .
5 If we had not given investors the chance to bid for Ballylumford and taken steps towards privatisation , that vital option would not have been made available to us .
6 On the question of whether or not to grant immigrants the right to vote in local elections , Michel Rocard , the PS Prime Minister , stated that the " extension of the right to vote in local elections to immigrants must be the consequence of successful integration , not its prerequisite " .
7 We are the only male dancers in the whole of the school and we feel that your statement does not give boys the encouragement they need to participate .
8 We are the only male dancers in the whole of the school and we feel that your statement does not give boys the encouragement they need to participate .
9 Allow this clause to go through unamended and there is a serious danger that a future Home Secretary 's friends on a police authority could indicate that if a chief officer did not see things the way they did and that of the government of the day his contract might not be renewed .
10 The dry weather continues to affect racing and Oliver Sherwood will not run Tonights The Night in the A.F. Budge Chase .
11 The dry weather continues to affect racing and Oliver Sherwood will not run Tonights The Night in the A.F. Budge Chase .
12 The firm ‘ would n't have done this just to give employees the benefit of a tax rate differential , ’ says William Montgoris , the finance director .
13 And finally gives charts the kind of breathing space they did n't quite have before .
14 Normally to raise funds the houses could think of selling off bills but with a general shortage of liquidity the only possible buyer is the Bank of England .
15 When not carrying passengers the limit does not apply and those witnessing the mail drops will testify to this .
16 I said I du n no what to do for the best so , I just leave things the way they are and er hopefully that er you get some warm days where you need n't have the fire on , so you do n't have fumes you know
17 GUINNESS PLC HAS TOLD Guinness Today the reasons why it does not offer shareholders the chance to receive dividends in shares — called scrip dividends — rather than in cash .
18 In Tizard 's view , fostering does not offer children the security of adoption : the uncertainty disturbed the children and contacts with the natural parents aroused anxiety in them .
19 The teacher 's job is not to correct mistakes the pupil has already made , but to help him not to make that mistake next time .
20 The teacher 's job is not to correct mistakes the pupil has already made , but to help him not to make that mistake next time .
21 At very low stepping rates the motor comes to rest at the appropriate equilibrium position after each excitation change .
22 It should include : a review of the physical condition and general suitability of the house alterations , adaptations and aids home support services the advisability or otherwise of a move financial needs Major upgrading of a substandard house may exacerbate dementia ; decisions need to be made in each case as to what improvements can be made with minimal disturbance to familiar surroundings .
23 But nobody ever sees things the way I do .
24 They must naturally be pursued , but always giving counsellees the opportunity to move on to other , more crucial issues .
25 The purpose of this is usually to allow students the opportunity to use language they know in a less controlled situation .
26 This showed how very different everything was from the situation that had developed in England over the course of centuries , and colonial developments always gave Englishmen the idea that they were moving into empty land and seeing what could be made out of it .
27 Economic agreements signed at the heads of state summit included a clause on maintaining the rouble as a common currency for trade between republics ( which would be pursued at world prices ) , while still leaving republics the option to introduce their own currencies .
28 If necessary , patients also received enemas the morning of the procedure .
29 Another poll a year later asked respondents the extent to which they thought they could trust certain countries as allies in the event of war .
30 It also offers users the option to trade up to HP 700/RX stations or to add X terminals to their networks , and is claimed to be the only industry programme to o so .
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