Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 Fixed-sum versus running-account : an obvious distinction between credit for a fixed amount of money ( such as HP , fixed loans of money ) and credit , perhaps up to a fixed ceiling , which may fluctuate up and down depending on what the borrower draws or pays in ( such as shop budget accounts , credit cards , bank overdrafts ) .
2 In the oviposited flowers , the ovules are stimulated to produce only endosperm on which the larvae feed , a process not unlike more exposed gall formation in other plants .
3 I had been ushered into the throne room ( the throne itself , 8 feet high and needing six men to move it , was carved from a solid slab of oak and had been presented to Queen Salote by the British Government in 1951 ) , and could hear from next door the awful warble of Mr Swaggart 's daily broadcast to which the King was apparently listening .
4 Secondly , we see the noble simplicity of his mind in supposing that what the bishops and lay magnates had by their presence and silent consent accepted would at once be put into operation .
5 Thereafter the choice of acupuncture , homoeopathic or Bach remedies , neural therapy , hypnotherapy , ego-strengthening or whatever will very much depend on what the background of the illness appears to be and on the patient 's response to the chosen therapy .
6 It 'll all depend on what the situation is when I sell .
7 An assistant education officer is in charge of one of the half dozen or so branches into which the work of the education service is divided , such as secondary education or further education .
8 What the employee wants to know and understand does not necessarily coincide with what the organization needs him to know and understand .
9 The epilogue to this evening 's survival devotions was , strange as it may seem , exactly as I should have expected it to turn out , I do not remember when I missed — or at what stage — my flight engineer , but when I returned to camp and was literally wallowing in what the High Master at Command had to say to me .
10 So start with what the hell which is really quite aggravating really .
11 As any person gets older they naturally reflect on what the life after this one will be like and how to prepare for it .
12 Thus , the situation should not arise in which the writer of an option contract can not fulfil his obligations by buying securities in the stock market , or that an investor can not buy shares in order to sell them to the option writer .
13 I do not recognise in what the hon. Member for Leicester , East said about my hon. Friend any vestige of truth .
14 Therefore , in campaigns a party attempts less to attract these voters than to ensure that they are not repelled by what the party advocates .
15 He was not looking at what the girl was doing with the match .
16 The whole secret was not to listen to what the other person was saying , Masklin had noticed .
17 He and Maureen decided to live for the day and not worry about what the future would bring for them , good or bad .
18 Which kind of input is best depends on what the perceptron is for .
19 Now we have in the room here a tremendous amount of experience , of people who 've been in the industry , people who 've worked with this company for many , many years , and we 've also got people with us who have not been with us very long , and I 'd you to know we may have covered certain aspects of this on sales skills courses just to talk through what the point of the exercise is , I E what we do for a living .
20 And its sure to be a huge success — just look at what the press said last year ! ! !
21 ‘ When we asked young people why they were joining paramilitary groups they said ‘ just look at what the Provos are getting with all their violence . ’
22 Thousands of boxes of parts arrive at the assembly line every week to be emptied and then simply discarded in a corner because Dagenham is not geared to what the modern motor industry calls ‘ just-in-time ’ delivery .
23 He said such practical statements were ‘ disturbing to a society whose values appear to be dangerously selfish , namely economic success at the expense of our neighbours and a morality largely based on what the individual wants ’ .
24 An ‘ appropriate test ’ will mean one which suits the curriculum studied by the pupils in question ; but item difficulty does not depend upon what the pupils have studied so the whole idea of an appropriate test is nonsense — according to the Rasch model .
25 However , if one looks at section 3 it is — we do not need to decide the point — at least doubtful whether it would apply to the circumstances of the present case , because the requisite intent which has to be present before section 3 is breached is the intent under subsection ( 2 ) of section 3 , ‘ ( a ) to impair the operation of any computer ’ — that clearly does not apply to what the respondent did here — ‘ ( b ) to prevent or hinder access to any program or data held in any computer ’ — that again clearly does not apply to what the respondent did here — and ‘ ( c ) to impair the operation of any such program ’ — that does not apply here .
26 However , if one looks at section 3 it is — we do not need to decide the point — at least doubtful whether it would apply to the circumstances of the present case , because the requisite intent which has to be present before section 3 is breached is the intent under subsection ( 2 ) of section 3 , ‘ ( a ) to impair the operation of any computer ’ — that clearly does not apply to what the respondent did here — ‘ ( b ) to prevent or hinder access to any program or data held in any computer ’ — that again clearly does not apply to what the respondent did here — and ‘ ( c ) to impair the operation of any such program ’ — that does not apply here .
27 The greater part of the Scrapbook largely consists of what the editor identifies as ‘ the British inheritance ’ which covers the period from 1966 — 1988 .
28 ‘ It 's the left hand not letting on what the right 's up to again .
29 Really that was n't actually dis the staffing issues themselves were n't discussed , but just to recap on what the situation is with the staffing issues and what 's meant by that .
30 Er just to run through what the two what the two schools sort of think it will be fair to say that the traditional school thinks as follows .
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