Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many were adventurers , seeking any opportunity to advance themselves , and little constrained by either principle or higher political commitment : slogans and culture were means to advancement .
2 Thereafter they were more widely spaced in both chronology and geography but have been recorded in 1817 – 18 , 1831 ( confined to Cornwall ) , 1847 ( again confined to Cornwall in England , though extensive in Scotland ) and final episodes in Devon in 1854 and 1867 .
3 If this religion becomes the powerful complement to lawfully elected government , which would be a very desirable development , then those decisions would settle many controversial issues which at present are successfully resolved by neither statute-law , nor , to the slightest degree by a respected and accepted moral code .
4 In effect his powers are somewhat circumscribed by both tradition and the organisational pattern of local government which developed in England and Wales following upon the Education Act of 1870 and the reshaping of local government in 1888 .
5 In this 1200 women were randomly assigned to either cardiotocography alone or cardiotocography plus waveform analysis ; the operative delivery rate for ‘ fetal distress ’ was double in the group assigned to cardiotocography alone .
6 After the basal evaluation ( T ) , patients were randomly assigned to either group A or B. Group A comprised 10 children ( two boys and eight girls with a mean age of 4.0 ( 2.4 ) years ) and group B comprised 10 subjects ( six boys and four girls with a mean age of 4.7 ( 2.7 ) years ) .
7 Our results confirm the constant prevalence of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine , which together account for over 60% of all phospholipis identified in human gastric mucosa .
8 But in the action samples the costs increased six-fold in Ipswich and three-fold in Newham between referral and third assessment , whereas in the control samples they only doubled in both Ipswich and Newham .
9 English anglers have dominated the Gland Slam in recent years but the Eastern Europeans are highly regarded with both Poland and Czechoslovakia former winners of the world championship .
10 Male 's rufous breast and female 's pure white throat are both unique features , while male is only sandgrouse with both chin and throat black — Crowned ( p. 167 ) has black chin and Black-bellied has black throat , but both are shorter-tailed .
11 What 's more it 's all included for around £15 per trip — pretty good value you 'll agree , and not a bad way to budget for a terrific night out .
12 She is not an established lady in what was very much a man 's industry and is highly respected by both drivers and haulage operators over a wide area .
13 At present , however , there is only limited British research available on such issues and much looks at only parts of the process .
14 We papered the walls white and put up a border : with curtains and a lampshade to match , it only came to around £50 .
15 On its sales last year , the Value Added Tax alone came to over £400,000 .
16 A MASE generator , a Honda lawnmower and a can of fuel , together valued at almost £1,500 , were stolen from a garage in Vicarage Road , Ropley , on Tuesday .
17 A group of small copper cylindrical powder magazines all sold at around £150-£280 and would appear to be bargains , since they were attractive in their own right and quite uncommon .
18 A separation between the judicial and the legislative and executive branches obviously exists in both Britain and the United States in the sense that in practice the judges are secure in their offices and have an independent status .
19 Minerals are essential substances naturally found in both animal and vegetable goods .
20 They have been told that their claim may only amount to around £11,000 of their £15,000 as capital gains tax is likely to be deducted from the total .
21 The literature ( especially Macdonald 's 1904 account ) is full of references to women 's " pessimistic and listless " attitude to the fight for higher wages , but as we have already noted , women were often inclined to agree that they were not doing the " full job " , a view in which they were daily fortified by both masters and men .
22 I could perhaps put at least part of it in very homely erm and perhaps somewhat banal terms by saying that five minutes spent waiting for the person one loves may seem like five hours , whereas five hours spent with that person may appear a mere five minutes .
23 The total value may only come to around £2,000 ; small by recent standards , but the police say the operation was a success .
24 Despite stitches , Sir Courtney not only fought on both days but managed to win both as well , even without bribing the audience !
25 It is apparent that the dominant holders are the insurance companies and pension funds who together accounted for around 50% of all holdings .
26 I ai n't got no best pans , I 've had my pa most of my pans , they 've all near enough come from either Embassy cigarette coupons or Number Six coupons , and I 've still got them and I 've had some of them twenty bloody years , all them pans .
27 By that Mr Power means everything from advertising to warranty repairs , which can together account for about 35% of the price of an average car in America .
28 Containing one side of street soul and one side of swingbeat , the debut LP from this Manchester trio is obviously aimed at both US and UK markets .
29 Your job is reception and you just sit in there bone idle
30 A copy of the guarantee was not given to either Mr. O'Brien or Mrs. O'Brien .
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