Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 Diego Maradona did most to restore Napoli to the top , creating headed goals ( 18 and 45 min ) for Andrea Carnevale and scoring a virtuoso third ( 84 ) .
2 Hungarian football has since fallen victim to the corruption and match-fixing scandals .
3 Commissioned as an administrative officer , he eventually became adjutant to the commander of the tactical air force , based at Larisa in central Greece , and made a point of being around whenever any representatives of civil suppliers appeared at headquarters to make presentations .
4 On the reverse side of the body some wood has been removed in a sort of crescent moon shape , extending from the upper to lower horn , presumably to increase access to the upper reaches of the Standard 's fingerboard .
5 ‘ The Labour group wants to take a reasoned , properly considered approach to the momentous events that are taking place in South Africa , ’ he said .
6 In November I made a much delayed return to the Swanage area after a ten year absence .
7 Pryce ( 1979 ) points out that , as a male , he ‘ had only limited access to the women for research purposes ’ .
8 She was wearing huge aviator glasses , designed to hide but only drawing attention to the palely perfect face , the unlipsticked mouth , the silvery blonde hair fine as maize silk , which was drawn back into the nape of her neck .
9 Such policies only make sense to the corporate investors and stem from the perceived need to avoid integrating the industry in any but the core capitalist countries .
10 The long awaited guide to the Ormes , by Steve Meyers , has appeared , but one marvels at the arrogance of a publisher who can not be bothered to credit in full the first ascent teams .
11 More sensitive than their counterparts at the beginning of the decade had been to the technical qualities of Hollywood films , the critics of the time constantly drew attention to the gap between the aspirations and the achievements of British films .
12 In a message to the State Department on 25 May John J. Muccio rightly drew attention to the unwise nature of various statements relevant to Korea made in the previous five months :
13 Conversely , the major benefits of privatization are likely to stem not from literally returning ownership to the private sector , but rather from associated measures which make it clear to managers that they are expected to compete effectively and efficiently .
14 She might get over this present illness but would only fall victim to the first virus that came along .
15 This not only adds power to the punch , but also gives the karateka a second strike in readiness , should it be needed .
16 They will be on sale with many other tasty offerings in Bartholomew Square , when the Dieppe Street Market makes a much awaited return to the festival .
17 If the debt is unpaid at maturity the bank will in most cases only seek recourse to the exporter if non-payment is due to a contractual dispute .
18 Broca ( 1961 , in Kolb and Whishaw 1985 ) had reported that a series of patients with severe disturbances of speech had all suffered damage to the inferior part of the third frontal convolutions of their left hemispheres and Jackson ( in Kolb and Whishaw 1985 ) had described cases of ‘ petit mal ’ epilepsy which involved only a limited number of ‘ faculties ’ .
19 As Duchess of Aquitaine she had inherited the ducal claim to Toulouse , but at Limoges Raymond had not only done homage to the Dukes of Aquitaine , he had also done homage to the Young King .
20 How well-cut his suit now turns out to be , and how confidently , as they disappear once more he is laying down die law to the old man sitting so respectfully opposite .
21 They could only speak Greek to the Romans , and it was for the Romans to decide whether they wanted an interpreter .
22 But the divine message will only bring gloom to the Greens .
23 There was a strong belief that radio should not merely give prominence to the national leadership but also take measures to reduce foreign influence and content in its programmes .
24 Yet literature can only give access to the values entertained by the members of literate communities and in these only for persons able to apprehend what they read .
25 The third blank day of National Hunt racing was guaranteed yesterday when this afternoon 's meetings at Cheltenham , Catterick , Folkestone and Leicester all conceded defeat to the frost .
26 In his article ‘ Polonium : Windscale 's most lethal legacy ’ ( New Scientist 31 March , p 873 ) John Urquhart has rightly drawn attention to the omission from consideration of polonium-210 in the National Radiological Protection Board 's report on the 1957 Windscale reactor fire .
27 My hon. Friend has rightly drawn attention to the progress that has already been made .
28 He passes the attendant in the security booth at the entrance to the University campus , and takes the gently inclining road to the Ecole Polytechnique , the engineering faculty of l'Université de Montreal .
29 He rightly paid tribute to the West Midlands police for what they have done in this process .
30 It means little for this child to perform with the greatest precision the most difficult pieces , with hands that can hardly stretch a sixth ; but what is really incredible is to see him improvise for an hour on end and in doing so give rein to the inspiration of his genius and to a mass of enchanting ideas …
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