Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] its [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 It continued in use as a corn mill up to around 1930 , although the business apparently diminished during its last decade .
2 In Latin America , in North and South Africa , in some parts of Asia , and in the Australasian colonies , there had been tentative beginnings to railway-building in the middle of the century , but the great explosion of lines was not to come until its last decade .
3 However , it gradually fell into disuse and was finally abandoned by its last users , the public notaries , in the sixteenth century .
4 The view that the East Ropery Banks site might be considered for ‘ high value ’ housing in order to provide potential consumers for the shopping centre had first been expressed in the Poulson Report of 1965 , but it had greater saliency by 1971 because the authority was already dealing with its second property company ( Town and City ) and it was clear that market conditions made the redevelopment of North Shields centre a highly marginal project .
5 The new company is already working on its first major contract , worth £20 million , to rebuild the country 's naval base .
6 COMECON : The nine-member Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ( CMEA or COMECON ) was formally dissolved following its 46th session in Budapest on June 28 ; a liquidation committee was given 90 days to oversee the organization 's dissolution .
7 The interior was still waiting for its first clean and the upholstery felt as if it had been textured in buff nicotine .
8 Best remembered as the setting for Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet and The Gentlemen of Verona , it offers the chance to live with history — by attending productions still staged in its 1st century Roman Arena .
9 By then , not only had the Nationalist seventh Division failed to enter Madrid , it had also failed in its first attempt to isolate the city from its northern defences in the Sierra de Guadarrama .
10 The instability of Zaire , now going through its third major political upheaval in the three decades since independence , will probably encourage this kind of research into substitute materials to reduce the western world 's dependence on this critical metal .
11 Prestige developments , particularly Abingdon Marina , which is now well advanced into its 5th phase offers a comprehensive choice of quality waterside homes set in idyllic tranquil surroundings .
12 The CPNI was not instrumental in creating NICRA but it was well represented on its first executive committee : Noel Harris of AUEW TASS , a CPNI member , was the first chairman ; Derek Peters of the CPNI was secretary ; and Betty Sinclair of the Belfast trades council was elected to the committee .
13 As one might expect the RAF is well represented in its 75th anniversary year .
14 The way in which the three parts of Hobbes 's system are meant to hang together and the methodology by which they are worked out in detail is , of course , most fully explained in its first part , De Corpore .
15 The Soldier 's Tale was almost banned at its second performance .
16 Assuming that the Congress , which has wasted so much time so far , does not get round to final approval of any of the versions of the constitution , Mr Yeltsin could either wait until its next scheduled meeting in the autumn , seeking a compromise with parliament .
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