Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] the way " in BNC.

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1 A member of the Senior Management team , for instance , one of the faceless men , not known personally to the office girls , but whose importance was instinctively sensed from the way they looked , the way they behaved .
2 Kalm was very impressed by the stoves at Chelsea , ‘ all arranged in the way discribed in Dictionary ’ , and he learned from Miller that two orangeries in England had been burnt by tan overheating ( the fermenting bark of the oak and a by-product from the tanning industry ) .
3 It helps one bid rationally , and more coherently , for congenial responsibilities , and therefore to feel more powerful and less resigned about the way these are distributed .
4 A Member who has not yet made his maiden speech should not even be mentioned , far less attacked in the way that the hon. Gentleman is cynically going about it .
5 The three principal methods , all related to the way coins were made , are based on their die axis , weight and alloy .
6 So in practical terms of helping shoppers to make sound buying choices , the value of increased familiarity with APRs is somewhat curtailed by the way that people generally seem to equate it with the add-on cost of the credit .
7 So with you mentioning leather then it leads me onto another question erm was there much done in the way of leather work in the Caldmore area ?
8 Whereas-it was common in their own time for the Teddy Boys to be contrasted with a nostalgically remembered state of pre-existing harmony ‘ twenty years ago ’ or ‘ before the war ’ , given the real horror which greeted their arrival we can perhaps only marvel at the way in which the nostalgic trick of amnesia can now work in the Teds ' favour .
9 I walked down it from the top to bottom and could only marvel at the way it had been constructed .
10 But then I finally stopped resisting and found that there 's a life in the land beyond the life of any one person , Thomas ; the lives of the people only stand in the way . ’
11 Oh , I better move out the way , I might get squashed .
12 They will be greatly perturbed by the way in which his Department is undermining the provisions of my Badgers Act 1991 by issuing licences to more than 600 fox hunts to enable them to dig up badger setts and unleash terriers into them .
13 ‘ I still feel somewhat gobsmacked by the way he appointed me .
14 They only get in the way when you 're using a keyboard and anyway they 're easy to get off because the glue 's not up to much .
15 It 's all to do with the way different people 's minds work .
16 I 'd , Dave Girt , Leeds City , I 'd be er pleased to hear from Mr Williamson that the hundred and forty five hectares for Greater York is actually to be contained within the York greenbelt , I I think Leeds has misunderstood that point , perhaps misled by the way each one was worded and we 've in previous days clarified that point so
17 Third , the injustices against which prisoners struggle are not merely to do with the way in which we run our prisons .
18 The simile , ‘ parallels clean like trajectories from guns ’ also gives the impression of a rather hard , mechanical world but this is somewhat softened by the way the author compares the train 's movement to a ‘ comet through flame ’ , the ‘ flame .
19 No other man had so eloquently and constantly spoken of the way I had haunted him from the first moment he cast eyes on me .
20 Mr Faulds is better known for the way he says things ( ie very loudly indeed ) than for what he says .
21 I 'll only get in the way .
22 But it was hard to scowl , she found , when her heart was suddenly skittering at the way the dark eyes were quite openly smiling as they continued to focus on her now lightly rising bosom .
23 One has only to think of the way in which the Shah of Persia reinforced his position by claiming direct descent from the Achaemenids of the third century BC , to give depth to a genealogy that in fact started with his father — a Cossack officer — assuming the throne in 1920 when the previous dynasty collapsed ( see Avery , 1965 ) ; or the use in Britain of the ‘ historical ’ roots of the Royal Family to support such current political structures as the House of Lords .
24 The motion met with considerable opposition , but was passed when a large number of students left the room , apparently disgusted by the way the meeting was being run .
25 I thought we 'd better get out the way there !
26 Short-term goals should be achievable in the near future if the vagaries of daily life or training mistakes do n't constantly get in the way .
27 The SVR be highly congratulated for the way in which the emergency was dealt with .
28 For example , consumers have long railed against the way insurance companies are permitted to fix prices , allocate territories and to tie the provision of one service to the purchase of another .
29 The study of technology is important in its own right , but it also deepens our understanding of a society as a whole because it is intimately connected with the way in which people are organised and the structure of their economy .
30 Our voices are intimately connected with the way we live our lives .
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