Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] to [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although in 1977 we were not entirely destitute , having received a major donation , we were able to open the Centre only thanks to loans from the Guggenheim and the MOMA in New York and the Ludwig Forum in Aachen .
2 Recognise that alcohol , cannabis , cocaine , LSD , heroin , Methadone , minor tranquillisers , sleeping tablets and many other mood-altering substances are all cross.addictive to sufferers from addictive disease and that all these drugs feed the disease regardless of whether they are legal , illegal or medicinally prescribed .
3 A separate development has seen the establishment of a variety of arrangements offering advice and perhaps representation to defendants to possession actions in the county court .
4 His hatred for those who crossed him having once shared the bonds of mutual loyalty was unbounded , but equally he never forgot old services performed , and , apart from the ‘ Night of the Long Knives ’ in June 1934 , he did not resort to purges within the Party .
5 These included lower interest rates on farm loans and emergency funds to enable dairies to pay off debts to farmers for unpaid milk .
6 Have n't we been home loads to times to where Granny and all your cousins …
7 Sotheby 's lent Bond 15m pounds to buy ‘ Irises ’ : Australian entrepreneur hopes to pay off debt to auctioneers by selling important Manet painting
8 But , whatever type of regime is decided upon , locking up 12- to 15-year-olds on the scale likely to result from the Government 's present proposals is an excessive reaction .
9 Fish build up resistance to nitrates as nitrates build-up in your tank .
10 In the latter — the steppe and woodlands inhabited by Tatars , Altaians , Kirgiz , Buryats and Mongols — the Russians had to wage war against formidable enemies who were not only capable of putting up resistance to incursions into their territories , but also able to obtain support from the larger communities of Turkic-Mongol peoples to whom they were related .
11 Open Saturdays and Sundays throughout also Tuesdays to Fridays until 30 September 1990 and Tuesday 2 to Friday 5 April 1991
12 Neuroscientists may amuse themselves by thinking up objections to homologies between brainstem structures , but this is n't pursued that seriously .
13 And she blasts supermarkets for failing to pass on profits to customers by cutting prices .
14 If the Department of Health are prepared to shell out money to keepers of a vermin-infested tenement then the officials are to blame .
15 And we have increased the level of savings that is disregarded in working out entitlement to benefits for pensioners .
16 It is suggested that applying losses to the preceding three years on a ‘ first in , first out ’ , rather than the existing ‘ last in , first out ’ , basis would decrease the possibility that companies are not able to carry back losses to periods in which profits were made .
17 Pickets handing out leaflets to passers by may thereby cause harassment , alarm or distress , but they should not be held to be guilty of an offence on that account alone .
18 Thatcher also used to parcel out jobs to representatives of different interest groups in the party .
19 This year more than a thousand kids are here thanks to members of Rotary District 1100 .
20 In line with commitment to quality , Burston is in the early stages of BS5750 registration which has also involved looking closely at the way we operate and how services to customers throughout the region can be improved .
21 The redevelopment of the er derelict factory site into smaller industrial units and making it er a form of want for a better phrase , enterprise zone where thanks to subsidies from the government and the E E C , we will look into making it rate free , reduced rents , etc. , er increase capital allowances for companies going in there so you could attract the needed capital intensive industries that will meet the high tech need that we have the need to have to create high tech jobs .
22 It is sometimes felt that the Borough Council , although they seek the views of local representatives , ignore these when coming to decisions on planning matters which will have a profound effect on local residents .
23 ‘ I returned , and saw under the sun , that the race is not to the swift , nor the battle to the strong , neither yet bread to the wise , nor yet riches to men of understanding , not yet favour to men of skill ; but time and chance happeneth to them all ’ ( Ecclesiastes ) .
24 The entries in the lexicon do not actually contain semantic information , but have instead pointers to locations in a separate store known as semantic memory in which the meanings are held .
25 We have also committed over £900,000 to projects through the know-how fund .
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