Example sentences of "[adv] [be] the [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 For Guido , she realised , had only been the catalyst that had finally forced her to confront her true feelings for Arnie .
2 It has long been the case that the fact of winning is far more important than the manner of doing so , and since they have found a winning formula they have a powerful argument for keeping it , especially now that the financial rewards are considerable .
3 It has long been the case that where a company is would up by the court , the liquidation is deemed to commence at the date of presentation of the petition .
4 ‘ It has long been the law that when a man pleads guilty to an indictment the trial judge can permit him to change his plea to not guilty at any time before the case is finally disposed of by sentence or otherwise .
5 If it 's inherited from an estate that of itself er attracts no tax , so there tax position would only be the income that they received from it would be subject to income tax and it would be added to their own assets so that when they die in due course then they 've inheritance payable there .
6 Crompton and Jones suggest that in the future it will not necessarily be the case that male clerks will be able to enjoy so much upward mobility .
7 The chronicler Hall emphasised the consternation produced by the government 's success in establishing a basis for swingeing taxation , and although wealth can seldom or never have been overstated for fiscal purposes , the Rutland muster book could perhaps be the exception that bears out his claim that ‘ some avaunced them selfes more than they were worth of pride , not remembryng [ realising/ suspecting ] what was coming ’ , naively succumbing to the blandishments of the commissioners , who ‘ did what they could to set the people to the vttermoste ’ .
8 One of the arguments we will examine below is the view that the police use this discretion , this freedom to decide when to proceed and when not to , to favour ‘ respectable ’ and middle-class individuals rather than working-class individuals .
9 Well , as I am saying , that obviously is the liability that the dealer has , because obviously he 's sold the goods to the purchaser .
10 What Sherman 's circle perhaps does not emphasize sufficiently is the impact that dominant social ideology about the nature of old age has upon personal problems of older people at all levels of experience , emotional , social and financial .
11 The effect of not doing so is the likelihood that the Conservative Party would lose the next election on the back of a gravely wounded economy .
12 So is the idea that consideration must be an economic benefit of some kind .
13 Precedents can be dangerous , but so is the future that Cambodia faces .
14 So is the fact that both outward direct investment ( which averaged 2.8% of GDP in the 1980s ) and inward direct investment ( 1.7% ) are exceptionally high ; both betoken internationalisation .
15 But so is the fact that one or both families have lived in the same area for four generations .
16 Not only is the amount that you can borrow flexible , but you can also choose haw to pay it back .
17 His humiliation was smaller than that to which the country had been subjected on being invaded by Napoleon in 1812 , but so was the likelihood that Russia would be able to reverse her defeat in the near future .
18 The data were vital , but so was the preconception that the planetary orbits could be inscribed within , and circumscribed without , the five regular Greek solids .
19 At the front of Laura 's mind constantly was the realization that these shops bore her name and everything in them must therefore reflect what she stood for .
20 The evidence suggests that community policing has not been the panacea that Lord Scarman envisaged .
21 It has generally been the case that people who leave the DUP see their political careers terminated .
22 In the first instalment of a new monthly column that contrast the reality of nature with the dreamworld of conventional business and politics — and suggest various ways of injecting the one into the other — Jonathan Porritt looks at the build-up to next year 's ‘ Earth Summit ’ and wonder if the US Administration 's chronic inability to face facts will finally be the thing that scuppers the planet 's ‘ last chance ’ .
23 Gérard Depardieu might just be the exception that proves the rule .
24 No it would just be the person that owned the
25 It 's , it 's , it 's very desperate and I 'm not saying that you would do it back because of that , but it may just be the thing that influences you to buy a particular brand , particularly the things which are heavily erm which have many alternatives to buy .
26 Is it a training need , or could it just be the fact that if they pass it on to you , they know you 're dead ?
27 Even if an agreed definition can be arrived at and some core features identified , it need not be the case that all forms of creative expression demand precisely the same set of mental operations or depend equally upon the same intellectual qualities .
28 An association between two variables does not infer causality and if one feature is associated with better glycaemic control it may not be the case that its widespread introduction will improve control .
29 It could not be the case that any misconstruction of any of these terms would involve a jurisdictional error .
30 Clearly that will not be the case that that 's how it goes to council .
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