Example sentences of "[adv] [be] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Jaromil has discovered that writing can be what reading has familiarly been for the ordinary person : an escape , a shelter , a door to the alternative self .
2 This need not necessarily be for the pure career-orientated reasons suggested by Niskanen — whether teachers or social workers have suggested policy changes that increase expenditure for pure self-interest or through the genuine altruistic belief that a greater supply of their services will benefit their society , such groups have occupied central roles in the expansion of their services
3 Far more pupils are taken on than can hope to succeed in practice , and if you have not been able to impress any barrister sufficiently with your qualities to be taken on , it may perhaps be for the best that you are forced to look to a different career at this juncture .
4 She climbed into the carriage knowing it would perhaps be for the last time ; maintaining the horses and the grooms was a luxury she would have to forgo .
5 Nevertheless , the resolution might still have won a majority had it not been for the stolen goods in the outhouse .
6 Surely no more than that the Ketterings were splitting up , like so many of their acquaintances , as even the Pargeters might have done , had it not been for the late , unexpected , unplanned arrival of Jacqueline .
7 Had it not been for the financial support of the telecommunications giant , AT & T , and the local banker and real estate mogul , Malin Burnham , the ACOC would have been wound up long before now .
8 Had it not been for the psychic tracer , they must surely have lost themselves in the labyrinthine entrails of what was not one vessel but many , some of these enormous in their own right .
9 … it could have no real importance after the visit to Osborne in the course of which Napoleon III having tightened the alliance with England had nothing much to say to the Emperor of Russia , his enemy of the day before yesterday , his friend of yesterday — but not his ally of today , which he might have become had it not been for the recent drawing together of the Courts of the Tuileries and St James .
10 If it had not been for the horrific blunder by their goalkeeper at Ibrox , Howard Wilkinson 's men would go into Battle of Britain II at Elland Road seeking merely to confirm the superiority of the English domestic game over the Scottish .
11 He would have been handsome had it not been for the close-set eyes and the petulant cast to his mouth .
12 I do not wish to convey a sense of complacency ; I am merely saying that the Northern Ireland economy has done very much better in the latest recession — and would have done better still had it not been for the appalling IRA atrocities that make inward investment so difficult .
13 Had it not been for the critical response to her work at the time , she might now be recorded differently in our history books .
14 ‘ For my part I believe the African Jesus would have won if it had not been for the Dark Host .
15 It might even have been handsome had it not been for the dark scowl that currently shadowed it .
16 The Socialist Government might have survived the crisis had it not been for the internal rift within the Labour Party that was brought about by the Cabinet 's decision to impose charges for medical prescriptions to curb excessive waste in the newly established National Health Service .
17 He records Smart 's statement that he ‘ must have finished an unfortunate life in jail had it not been for the good nature of a Friend , who could not bear to see his tears ’ .
18 Indeed , had it not been for the blazing row with Mama she would still be living with her parents , seeing Charlie twice a week and helping the wounded airmen get back their confidence .
19 This openness and variation in level of the track , now giving views over a mile or so of green tree-crowns , now limiting the sky and showing on every side a steeply climbing hillside of columns , would have made their walking pleasant had it not been for the unseasonable heat of the day .
20 ‘ If it had not been for the Liberal Democrats , the government would have lost . ’
21 Had it not been for the ignorant impetuosity which demanded the Lodge as the most appropriate environment for her work , the truth might have continued to elude them .
22 I want to end by saying that we need now to f go over this hurdle of liberation make sure that the vast majority of black South Africans who are deeply angry and I saw this anger because I was in South Africa when Chris was assassinated and this anger was turning into rage and the country was on a knife edge it could have blown up , the country would have burned had it not been for the diplomatic achievement of , of enormous stature by Nelson Mandela when he addressed the whole nation and in a sense seized power informally from white and black and the country managed to survive that but if that anger turns into rage again then the country could burn and I do n't say this to be dramatic but just to warn that in those moments when the media and so on do n't explain the situation well do n't forget our people because they have had to cope with this situation .
23 We agreed to have him for a fortnight but when the time came he refused to go , and would be with us yet if it had not been for the First World War and your father having to go …
24 Had it not been for the First World War I might have been sent to school in England , separated indefinitely from my parents , as was the fate of so many English children whose fathers served in India or elsewhere in the East .
25 If it had not been for the extraordinary resilience of Hitler 's Wehrmacht and the fortitude of the German people , it would have done so .
26 There then followed a decline , and the old arts would have been lost , had it not been for the Buddhist monks who kept the arts alive in their mountain refuges .
27 It would have prospered had it not been for the disastrous fire of 1935 that largely destroyed it .
28 But it is difficult to see what this could mean other than that some deviance , at least , would not have occurred had it not been for the societal response — that is , had been caused by it .
29 Death rates had also declined , though not as sharply , and had it not been for the inward migration of population in the 1930s the decline in population growth would have been more marked .
30 They were bare and shabby and if it had not been for the pretty yellow cloths she had made for the tables and the yellow and orange cushions she had covered for the chairs and the blue vase full of roses she had asked Maria to place on the chest of drawers , then they would have been dismal indeed .
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