Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] for all " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , if several similar tables are to be compared , the same format must naturally be used for all of them .
2 The advantage of this approach would be that it would enable a mixed economy to be operated i.e. some institutions be validated in the present way ; , others who were ‘ chartered ’ would not necessarily be accredited for all their courses in that their courses would be validated in the present ways .
3 On the Moscow Petrograd line workers reported in the middle of February that they had not been paid for all January ; in the Caucasus the backlog in August stretched back to October 1921 .
4 The memory of the heroism and sterling qualities of Rodrigo del Bivar have thus been enshrined for all time ; his statue stands today in the main square of Burgos , staring out forever across the lands he fought so long to transform .
5 Sale terms are still being thrashed out with the buyers but heads of agreement have already been signed for all three .
6 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
7 The more stringent requirements may not be needed for all processes , but , where only one supply is available , this has to meet the strictest limits ( see Table II ) .
8 Gould could not be blamed for all of this .
9 This was not necessarily as great as the frisson of excitement which comes from watching his jolly exciting films but it should not be disregarded for all that .
10 A currency that started inflating strongly would rapidly be abandoned for all purposes , except that of paying tax to the government printing it .
11 and as a self-employed person , you get no sick pay or benefits , no training , no union protection or even much chance that you 'll ever be repaid for all those long hours of work .
12 Politicians can not reasonably be blamed for all this .
13 His advice should also be sought for all puncture wounds and lacerations regarding any measures needed to avoid tetanus .
14 Psychological testing will also be required for all teachers and educational administrations .
15 For a moment he let himself imagine he was some great explorer about to enter a hostile , unknown land on which his name would later be stamped for all history .
16 And when you were in suitably softened mood I was going to tell you how this time I 'd found what I 'd really been looking for all my life . ’
17 ‘ He wo n't be dying for all of us .
18 This plug could not readily be used for all the connections since a dedicated line is not available on it , whereas on the ROM location is dedicated to that specific address block .
19 The second is that the rules may be those that apply to formal , written language but they may then be prescribed for all circumstances .
20 The beginning was also a time when I was asked if I , too , would soon let them down ‘ like all the others ’ and when being there was expressed for all by Janet : ‘ I 'm only here because my daughter is the way she is .
21 That approach has recently been recommended for all listed companies by Britain 's Institutional Shareholders Committee .
22 The same drug can therefore be used for all cases of the condition , although even in conventional medicine not all patients will respond to it .
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