Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Virgin 's payments had all been made on time , and as far as he was aware there was no problem at all .
2 Its real efficacy can only be tested over time and it remains to be seen if clozapine is a major advance , or whether the wide spectrum of response originally found with chlorpromazine , from full recovery to no response , is merely replicated , with a general shift a bit further in the desired direction .
3 Development can only be achieved over time , and more often than not along a difficult path .
4 Jacopo della Quercia has never enjoyed the popularity of his fellow sculptors Ghiberti and Donatello , and his works have not been favoured by time .
5 Most probably , if had not been articulated in times of war these artistic tendencies would have simply been considered marginal .
6 It went against the grain with Hotspur to let such an illustrious company move south unchallenged into England , merely because they had not been intercepted in time to confront them on reasonably equal terms .
7 There are obvious attractions in affording the Registrar an additional weapon in the form of a penalty recoverable by civil suit to which there is no defence once it is shown that accounts have not been delivered on time .
8 I met R. D. Case afterwards — he was on the Westminster Gazette at that time — and he told me that Stanford was so drunk that he 'd almost fallen into the gravel Apparently he 'd just been caught in time by George Watson-Forbes , who later wrote a remarkable series of articles in the Daily News on the Home Rule question . ’
9 Fees will normally be based on time taken at premium rates to reflect the skills and responsibilities of the assignment or on some mix of fixed and contingency fee .
10 If they can not be stopped in time , mankind will surely be doomed .
11 However , the rest of the work will not be completed in time for the season , which will make life running a heavily-booked programme of events difficult .
12 This could debar over one-third of the population from voting , since , according to the current regulations , only citizens of pre-war Estonia and their descendants were automatically entitled to citizenship , and the long application process for others would not be completed in time .
13 On Nov. 22 elections , which on Nov. 10 had been called by President Hugh Desmond Hoyte for Dec. 16 , and which were constitutionally required to be held by Dec. 28 at the latest , were indefinitely postponed after the chairman of the Elections Commission , Rudolph Collins , warned that a proper electoral register could not be prepared in time .
14 It increasingly realized that no technical measures could assure compliance by the extended 1977 deadline , and that since an adequate mass transit system could not be developed in time , only petrol rationing would lead to attainment .
15 It is probable , therefore , that the internal payment certificate will not be raised in time for inclusion in the current month 's costing as they will be received by the accountant after the close down date for the month .
16 The rocket can not be repaired in time so Cory and Lowery , with message-sending equipment , make their escape through the jungle as the Daleks close in .
17 Indoors , power supplies are generally on hand , and the camcorder can be run either directly off the mains via its adapter or on the battery which can easily be recharged between times .
18 I extend a standing invitation to any firm that is not being paid on time by any of the country 's 100 largest companies or Government Departments to allow me to take up its case individually .
19 The government argued that this was due to loans from foreign aid donors not being paid on time and appealed for a waiver of the test .
20 The reversal need not be great : as Appendix III puts it , some people 's budgets are ‘ in a delicate balance … . and even a minor fluctuation ( eg. a new child benefit book not being issued on time , the late arrival of a supplementary benefit giro cheque , a child needing a new pair of shoes ) can tip the scales against them . ’
21 My right hon. Friend will be aware , however , that contributions to the main United Nations budget have not in the past always been paid on time or in full , even by members of the Security Council .
22 They will still be leaning at times on the accuracy of left-arm Yorkshireman Paul Booth or , for the one-days , maybe on Neil Smith .
23 If a back-up copy is available a potential disaster can be averted and the urgent report or whatever can still be completed on time .
24 The rule has been slightly relaxed over the last few years , although only in relation to secondary legislation ; it has also been breached from time to time by a number of judges , not least by judicial free spirit , the former Master of the Rolls , Lord Denning .
25 This view was reflected by one observer in Rabat , who said : ‘ He ( King Hassan ) has so clearly been playing for time .
26 Class tests may also be held from time to time .
27 You will probably be visited from time to time , and in some areas you will get practical help such as toy kits , toy libraries , first aid kits and safety equipment on loan .
28 The road network in Northern France is also being upgraded in time for 1993 following the announcement of a major investment plan by the national government on January 22 1986 .
29 For this reason the monitoring arrangements referred to elsewhere in these Guidelines will provide an essential source of information from which training requirements may accurately be identified over time .
30 That necessary ditching , in all likelihood , will now be done in time for the next election .
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