Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Chlorambucil has rarely been reported to produce ocular side effects , although these are common with many cancer chemotherapeutic agents .
2 Source and object programs , non-executable software etc. are secured to tape weekly .
3 Most shellfish and a good many sea fish besides are reckoned to possess impressive aphrodisiac qualities but none more so than the oyster .
4 The natural conclusion , then , is that the basic body plans of the different phyla represent structures which adapted some ancestral form to a particular way of life , and which have since been modified to serve different functions .
5 The Ministry of Information has long been refusing to let any journalist visit Tikrit , the town where Saddam was born .
6 Rotifers have for long been know to survive repeated freeze-thaw cycles .
7 She reasoned that the law and the police had long been shown to have little or no educative or preventive power , and that the only way forward was a changed moral outlook and a gradual reorganization of economic and political conditions .
8 Any attempt by the administration to bring about a comprehensive lifting of sanctions before all US conditions were met had long been expected to meet strong opposition in Congress .
9 Similar experiments , of greater variety and equal sophistication , have long been used to test human perceptual abilities but cause scarcely a ripple over the apparatus of our everyday perceptual judgements .
10 The notes below are intended to consider three areas only and to be illustrative rather than prescriptive as an inflexible attitude towards fees can adversely affect the generation of new business .
11 The Townsend Thoresen Disaster Fund , the Townsend Thoresen Crew Fund and the P & O Additional Fund have all been established to provide extra money for those who have lost relatives as a result of the Zeebrugge disaster .
12 The foreground software used ; Smart , Cardbox and Multiplan have all been found to work fine with memory resident software over many months of use .
13 Firstly the noun phrase " the six cabinet ministers ' is the most elaborated of all the references to the ministers , and would naturally be expected to precede subsequent , more reduced , forms .
14 The Royal Academy of Arts in London was founded 1768 , and holds an annual exhibition of work by contemporary painters where ‘ some evil old ruffian of a Dog-stealer will annually be found embodying all the cardinal virtues , on account of his eyelashes , or his chin , or his legs ’ .
15 Parties must obviously be allowed to retain excess seats , so the membership of the Bundestag has to be increased .
16 It went on to make two historic recommendations : that the Institution should give more overt support to the Society of Surveying Technicians , formed in 1970 by the General Council of the RICS , pointing out that the notion that the profession needed persons with technical qualification to ‘ come in at the bottom ’ and stay there was insensitive to human aspirations and naïve in its recognition of the Society 's worth ; and that practitioners should henceforth be required to undertake structured Continuing Professional Development ( CPD ) — a courageous and necessary proposal ( see below ) .
17 Also drawn in charcoal were two other features of religious importance : a group of five-pointed stars and a mystical two-line formula , each consisting of all 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet — the ultimate anagram which , when rearranged , could quite literally be used to express all human knowledge and all experience .
18 Planning for the Community — new housing should only be allowed to meet local needs , and an assessment should be made of the effect of every proposed development on the community , its environment , language and cultural identity .
19 The route was very tight and could only be passed using small cylinders .
20 much of the analysis can be done at the microscope and cut-out photographs need only be used to detect subtle changes .
21 Economics should only be used to indicate potential costs and not , of itself , to determine policy choices ; for more often than not economic arguments neglect to take into account the totality of the costs involved .
22 The inquest heard they could only be identified using dental records .
23 By the same reasoning , individuals would be unlikely to donate to an activity that the state was already undertaking unless they could be sure that their gifts were not merely being used to reduce other tax payers ' liability .
24 Furlong is correct , however , in suggesting that anxiety was rife , and because of this and establishment obsessions with a belief in a statistical truth we were constantly being asked to give numerical estimates of how many there were ‘ out there ’ who were ‘ fixing ’ , ‘ using the weed ’ , or ‘ dropping acid ’ .
25 The Army may be seeing a smaller throughput of students , but its four core course levels remain and , ironically , new courses are constantly being introduced to meet changing needs .
26 that the agencies staff were not necessarily being advised to save all computer records on paper and the process was unmanaged and selective ; and ,
27 To determine whether nasal oxygen supplementation ( 2 l/min ) reduces these risks , half of 66 patients aged over 60 undergoing ERCP using minimal midazolam sedation alone were randomised to receive nasal oxygen .
28 Bolus intravenous injection three times daily is thought to cause more toxicity than continuous infusion regimens , but there is no significant difference in efficacy between the two methods .
29 The Hwange national park alone is said to have 45,000 elephants : three times as many as the vegetation can support .
30 These proposals will have a major effect upon the University , since several Medical School departments ( the relocation of which alone is estimated to cost some £16m ) , as well as a number of related research groups , are located at the Radcliffe Infirmary , while the Department of Psychiatry has laboratory space at Littlemore Hospital .
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