Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But had it not been to rid herself of her aura of wealth and privilege which had created her feeling that she was the darling of the gods — although the same gods knew how brutally they had treated her — that she had come to the East End to work , and to live as though she really needed to , and to survive on the pittance which she had earned , without bolting back again to luxury and comfort ?
2 Given the shortage of good creative talent , this is not that unusual , and if you find that your agency is using freelances , your immediate reaction should not be to fire them on the spot : give them credit for both knowing their own limitations and for buying good work from outside , always assuming that it is good ; but press them to get a permanent team working on your account soon — it is not in your interest to lose continuity of creative work on your account . )
3 The idea of getting everyone away is to isolate them from mundane worries so that they can concentrate wholeheartedly on the task in hand .
4 When I 've written to you in the past , it 's usually been to tell you about the developments of some of our long term programmes .
5 Sheila Hancock agrees that a great deal of the Williams intellectual showing off was to rid himself of the ‘ Carry On ’ persona .
6 ‘ What I want now is to know who in the last month has been here to buy arsenic and belladonna ?
7 She would have liked to know just which passages in the book her hostess found objectionable , but it was plain that the only way to find out was to study it for herself .
8 The only possible course now was to gamble everything on becoming king .
9 The important thing now was to let him save face .
10 His main priority now was to get them to safety .
11 Boz is the only one she 'd tell such a thing to , but she 's already told me Boz has n't been to see her since the attack . ’
12 She had n't been to see him for nearly a week , but that had happened before when the red-headed lout was staying at the farm .
13 The patterns of public accountability in the British constitutional set-up are extremely complex , and all I have been able to do here is to alert you to some key issues of relevance to the subject matter of this book .
14 The idea here is to decide which of the possibilities is the most likely one .
15 When the pet can no longer enjoy a good quality of life or is suffering , your responsibility then is to free him from aches , pains and indignities , to let him die peacefully and with dignity .
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