Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [vb pp] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the Septizonium , an ancient Roman temple at the south-east corner of the Palatine , which had long since been annexed for other uses , safe from outside interference and imperial troops , for it was still possible for emperors to attempt to interfere with elections , the election commenced after each cardinal had celebrated mass and all of them had exchanged the kiss of peace .
2 Latterly , until its closure in 1963 , it was used by the permanent-way department , and has since been sold for industrial purposes .
3 The government announced on Aug. 20 that it was planning to open up for exploration by foreign oil companies areas that had hitherto been reserved for Indian state-owned companies .
4 A superb SWAN which has only been used for private cruising in the Med .
5 The Liverpool Street dungeon was known , incongruously , as the gymnasium , presumably in memory of its intended purpose , though it had long been used for general storage .
6 A similar undated sequence was recorded in Green Cutting to the east , where the courtyard had obviously been used for industrial activities prior to the demise of the associated building .
7 Credit will only be given for technical articles and credit for this type of reading is unlikely to account for more than 25% of total unstructured CPE .
8 HRP can only be given for complete tax years ( 6 April to 5 April ) , so if you simply gave up work for a few weeks in order to help out , you would be unlikely to qualify .
9 Psychotropic drugs should only be prescribed for good reasons .
10 This would , or course , only be justified for serious disease , but if more benign targetting techniques could be devised , it might be possible to use the liver as a target tissue for any interaction with serum metabolites , such as cholesterol .
11 It follows that , except in a case where either the common law or statute allows instant dismissal ( e.g. , for gross misconduct ) , a lecturer can only be dismissed for good cause after being given three months ' notice ( though the lecturer can terminate the agreement on three months ' notice without any reason being assigned ) .
12 There is a three-month time limit , which can only be extended for good reasons .
13 So , while herbs undoubtedly have marvellous potential for curing illness , home cures should only be undertaken for minor ailments .
14 We say it is unclear why free phones should only be issued for incoming and outgoing calls and for nine nine nine calls .
15 Microscopes can only be used for close work , telescopes for viewing objects from arm 's length distance to infinity .
16 We hope that these materials will not only be used for private study but be subjected to critical scrutiny by school-based inservice groups sharing common curricular interests and by staff of institutions of higher education concerned with both special needs teaching and specific curriculum areas .
17 Calling on North Korea to make a similar pledge , Roh said that nuclear energy would only be used for peaceful purposes .
18 The conditions of use to which all users are required to agree insist among other things that users should not attempt to identify particular individuals or households , that the data should only be used for academic purposes , and that any publications which make extensive use of the data should acknowledge this .
19 The growth in the use of microcomputers in organizations means that people have become much less dependent on a central computer , which need only be used for large scale operations .
20 Therefore , some of the larger single roses become giant-sized once they are pressed , and can really only be used for big arrangements on walls , such as murals , so try to concentrate on the smaller varieties of rose , as you will still be astonished at their relative size once they are pressed .
21 This method can only be used for non-porous and crystalline rocks ( particularly limestones ) , as the lead tends to be forced into any pores and , unlike powdered abrasives , it can not be washed away .
22 These reforms were ultimately to cause the falling off in the composition of orchestrally accompanied church music as such accompaniments would only be required for special feast days and there would be no place for it in everyday circumstances .
23 And the day after Central broadcast a documentary on the Marsh Arabs in Southern Iraq … revealing how communities are being destroyed … the Prince condemned Saddam Hussein for claiming the marshes are only being drained for agricultural purposes .
24 But Khomeini again insisted that it was all being done for foreign enemies of the Jews , America and Israel , we must be nailed and killed ; we must be sacrificed to the evil intentions of foreigners "
25 It claims the annual American-South Korean military exercises , known as Team Spirit , are a threat to the North ; that the Americans still have nuclear weapons in South Korea ; and that the South has not been inspected for nuclear bases .
26 Permission has not been granted for large extensions .
27 The passage into law has failed fully to satisfy campaigners who argue that proper parity has still not been won for Scots families .
28 It has not been released for independent investigation or for investigation by BR experts , so it is not part of the evidence that is being considered at the BR internal inquiry now under way .
29 Workshops on several of the other issues identified above are planned for early 1989 .
30 The polytechnic which has already been commissioned for significant consultancy work into the performance of roofs , will conduct the statistical analysis assessing life-span criteria across a full spectrum of roof systems .
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