Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] they [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Among shrubs or in mixed borders , variegated plants help to add interest to the rest of the display , especially where they contrast with bronze or purple foliage , or harmonise with a golden colour group .
2 They like foreigners so much that they dispute with one another as to who shall have and treat a foreigner in his house .
3 Flexing his fingers so that they popped with the cold , he looked around tensely .
4 Alternatively , perhaps neutrinos are much more elusive than we think , so that they evade with ease the traps we set them .
5 Equally remarkably , he made them open their pockets , so that they gave with extraordianry generosity when other communities as far away as Italy suffered disasters like their own .
6 The room , reached this time from the veranda , was just as lovely as she had remembered , and after folding some clothes neatly in drawers and hanging the rest on satin-padded hangers in the wardrobe she fussed for quite some time with the scanty collection of knick-knacks she had brought , trying to arrange them so that they harmonised with the tranquil simplicity of the décor .
7 Young , subordinate females will do better if they mate with a new male .
8 A boathook reached out and latched on to the ship 's side , and a small , dark-haired crewgirl pulled them in until they touched with a gentle bump .
9 This means that firms can not be sure that they will be protected from allegations of breach of fiduciary duty , merely because they comply with the rules of their regulator .
10 To keep the training crew occupied I sent them away to this vessel for a day 's rummage and to my pleasant surprise it was not long before they returned with the news that they had unearthed a vast cache of spirits and cigarettes in the ship 's hospital .
11 And , ladies and gentlemen , how long before they interfere with the very guardians of our existence and prevent the provincial police from shooting down vicious unarmed textile strikers ?
12 By way of contrast members of a moral or rule-based association share nothing other than their recognition of the authority of those practices ; sharers of a common language , for example , may say what they like so long as they comply with the canons of that language .
13 The real wonder is not that some who profess to believe fall away after continuing so long but that some last as long as they do with as little as they have .
14 Snooker frames with Julian last about twice as long as they do with anybody else .
15 Low interest rates are inflationary only when they coincide with an overheating economy as they did in 1987–8 .
16 But it has taken many years for such discoveries to be accepted and acted upon , especially when they conflict with public convenience and related commercial interests , as the sad story of tobacco promotion and consumption shows .
17 Some committee clerks come to have an important role , especially when they work with the same committee and the same chairman for some time .
18 After all the hassle they should know exactly where they stood with each other , Merrill thought as she dressed on Saturday evening .
19 The defence is called " fair comment " — a misnomer , because it in fact defends unfair comment , so long as that comment is honest : " Every latitude must be given to opinion and to prejudice , and then an ordinary set of men with ordinary judgment must say [ not whether they agree with it , but ] whether any fair man would have made such a comment …
20 I have never experienced an aggressive or bullying rasbora of any species , and they mix well in the peaceful community aquarium , swimming alongside companions from the other side of the world as easily as they integrate with their natural South East Asian cohabitants .
21 It must be stressed that after a certain time has elapsed , individuals will interact with the researcher just as they will with anyone else , notwithstanding the possible inhibiting effect of recording equipment .
22 Eventually the price of such devices will fall and PostScript recorders will become the norm — just as they have with typesetting .
23 They 'll move him to some safe house just as they did with Hess . ’
24 They are choosing to ignore it , just as they did with the poll tax .
25 As soon as they finished with their books the two girls made him tea .
26 Most likely they would proceed no further than they had with the identification of ‘ Subject A ’ , especially since there was no one ( apart from themselves ) to miss her and she had never been missed .
27 Descendants of sisters interact positively with descendants of mother or grandmother more than they do with those of aunts or great-aunts .
28 There are dozens of ministers , some highly qualified , who have been purged from the leadership by Mr Ceausescu , usually because they disagreed with him on particular issues or because their superior intelligence made him insecure .
29 Invariably , in such cases , the two sides ended up where they started with the RCM pleading moderation and a softly , softly approach .
30 Birds roosting and foraging near airports now collide with jumbo jets seven times more often than they did with the early turbo jets .
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