Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] he [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He realised suddenly that he had to go to the bathroom .
2 The truth was that Harry understood Minter better than he cared to admit .
3 George got financial support from Parliament for troops to defend his Electorate and they did well enough to maintain his position , but he could not establish in office the ministers he really wanted , who would have been committed to full-scale involvement in Germany , so that he had to put up with a government which was not completely devoted to fighting on the continent of Europe .
4 The Revolution of 1688 lost D'Urfey the courtly connections he had developed , so that he had to turn to other means of support .
5 And then , horizontally down the spine , so that he had to turn it round to read it in the light of a street lamp .
6 A gentle breeze broke the absolute silence , moving the curtain so that he had to steady it with his hand .
7 His family gave him control of his own finances again , so that he had to resume making budgetary decisions in his everyday life , such as choosing between a meal at Claridges or a physiotherapy session .
8 This must have been a joke , as he laughed , or perhaps any mention of marriage was a joke to Gordon , who walked past Nenna and settled himself between them in a small chair , actually a nursing chair , surviving from some earlier larger family home and much too low for him , so that he had to try crossing his legs in several positions .
9 She stirred against him , and he mistook it for something like the small movements of a child asleep , and smiled down at her through the slow current of perfume rising from her black , turmoiled hair ; but she was awake and brought her head up , drawing away from him a little , looking at him , so that he had to hide his smile quickly , because it was n't something he had meant her to see .
10 But he was n't going to climb up there now and once up there see some obstruction ahead , some tunnel rim that might be just too low , so that he had to get down again and come back in like Damon had .
11 So that he had to get a job elsewhere — somewhere much better , ’ said Pickerage .
12 His face was smiling and , when you tapped the head , it rocked on a concealed axle so that he seemed to chortle at the absurdity of human antics .
13 The microphone was likely to exaggerate the idiosyncrasies of a voice , so that he appeared to say ‘ Jairmany ’ rather ‘ Germany ’ and ‘ Jeeoos ’ rather than ‘ Jews ’ .
14 It 's got to be important to the child so that he needs to know whether he means four times two-plus-one or four-times-two plus one , whichever way it is .
15 He then leans forward , and is guided up and round , so that he pivots to swing his hips round and onto the chair .
16 He was burrowing into responsibilities , looking for them almost , for they gave substance to that which bound Emily to him — and still the shock of jealousy pulsed occasionally making him shudder so that he blushed to seem to be shivering .
17 Predictably , the terse prose of Hemingway is found to lack the transformational complexities typical of Faulkner : which is not to say that Hemingway is innocent of transformations , only that he tends to use transformations of a different kind .
18 The King , visiting as a private citizen , was reticent about his political ambitions , saying only that he wanted to help Romania .
19 Perhaps you really wounded his pride when you turned him down so he wants to see you humiliated . ’
20 ‘ ( 1 ) Where the seller delivers to the buyer a quantity of goods less than he contracted to sell , the buyer may reject them , but if the buyer accepts the goods so delivered he must pay for them at the contract rate .
21 He may be completely landless , or it may be that his plot is n't big enough and he has to spend part of his time , or part of his family has to spend part of their time , working for somebody else to get in some extra money or possibly renting land from somebody else .
22 He once lost £80,000 when a tour of Japan was cancelled suddenly and he had to pay the cost of transporting the show 's equipment back to Britain out of his own pocket .
23 His first cigarette of the day he smoked while he waited , extinguishing it two minutes before she was shown in and he had to tell her that her cervical smear had shown pre-cancerous signs .
24 The weight of the engine tugged his nose down and he had to keep tugging it up again .
25 He had walked all the way down and he began to walk back .
26 He felt she was about to laugh aloud and he wanted to join her , his every thought consumed with the miracle that had so suddenly happened to bring Ken back to them .
27 A Mandela book might attract many of these readers , but only if he wants to write it .
28 An expert misconducts himself only if he fails to decide the issue in the way he has agreed with the parties to do : see 13.13 .
29 Indeed the Law Commission Working Paper No 77 , Implied Terms in Contracts for the Supply of Goods ( 1977 ) , recognised three possible approaches : firstly , the bailor is strictly liable ( Jones v Page ( 1867 ) 15 LT 619 per Kelly CB at p621 ) ; secondly , the goods must be as fit as care and skill can make them ( Hyman v Nye ( 1881 ) 6 QBD 685 per Lindley J at p682 ) ; thirdly , the bailor is liable only if he fails to take reasonable care to ensure that the goods are fit which , as the via media of the two other approaches , was eventually adopted in s9 of SGSA 1982 .
30 Only cos he wants to snog .
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