Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] you just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And you work all of those out so that you just play with them just get to know them so that you 're happy with them .
2 Except inside and you just added the fourth .
3 So if you just use one sheet of A four does .
4 So if you just use it like that then at least it shows you 've got a card .
5 Two hydroxides so if you just write twice just write O H negative and then another O H negative .
6 Erm so if you just remember try and remember the ones that have got a K.
7 so if you just go for the two
8 comes through , so if you just wait I 'll talk to you again a little bit about that
9 So if you just sold to that at a small surgery that 's what your earnings would be .
10 so if you just put the
11 So if you just kept your treble clef you 'd have a lot of lines possibly that you were n't using at all .
12 So if you just wanted two hydrogens when you put it down here .
13 Right with those parameters , so if you just look at the er coefficional income , if we estimate the coefficional income to be nought point five right , over the entire sample , the then subsequently find out if that coefficient varies from year to year from minus six plus ten , right , having a one point estimate , right , er oh that coefficient is not going to be particularly useful to us , we want to know er whether our coefficients remain reasonably constant throughout our sample period , particularly if we 're using this er equation to make out of sample predictions , right .
14 So if you just look at this the arguments for er manufactured , or the increase in manufacturing er trade alright are exactly the opposite to erm , that explain the decrease in erm , the relative decrease in agricultural trade okay .
15 The third area I need to take you through is some erm typographical amendments to the resolutions that you have in front of you , so if you just bear with me I proposed to go through those and perhaps if you want to mark them on the sheets as I go through and if I 'm going too fast erm just wave .
16 So if you just press , if , if you if you pressed enter , it 's got the no highlighted , so it would n't automatically replace it .
17 If you then er , it will then ask you over what period do you want to right so if you press the end key that will submit the job erm it asks for the sample period , we 're going to use the whole of the sample , so if you just press the return key , that 's the default for the whole of the sample , right , it then asks you what procedure you want to use to estimate the model , we 're going to use O L S option one , just press the return key O L S then the computer has estimated the model , right .
18 So if you just did , six thousand divided by three hundred .
19 So So if you just call your mum .
20 Right , they do n't change much as a result of the degrees of freedom er adjustment okay with er squared distribution yes , sort of different distribution but we interpret the tables in exactly the same way so if you just have a look on your screen erm , there 's an L M version of the serial correlation test , right , and that has a squared distribution one right and the test statistic we obtain on your screens is calculated in two point eight eight , no two point zero eight .
21 it 's not a problem so if you just want to have a look round up there and sort of come here
22 so and you just end up with a list of names or something like that
23 Right so you just press enter .
24 Erm and again I put erm things about putting details in the post although you , although you did try and overcome that one erm but you , you just could n't , you could n't get Steven to realize the benefit of you actually going round with the illustrations rather than you just sending it and you needed to get , to get the appointment out of him rather than because if he got the illustrations in the post he may never read them .
25 ‘ No , you 're not , not if you just want to look . ’
26 When when you when you add them up just if you just put them under each other , it makes it very easy .
27 For example , there 's a piece of cake in front of us and , and you know you just want it so badly and you just eat it , or even having sex , anything , I mean any desire that you have that you just follow .
28 It 's more that you just pick up on something .
29 Cos when we shared it out between three it was like if you just stand up and have a look along there .
30 Hong Kong and Bangkok tend to be lumped together in holiday brochures under the same Far East tag , and indeed , it makes sense to visit both if you just happen to find yourself in that part of the world .
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