Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] for [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Concerned at the rapid expansion of the hunt , and the declining stocks of small cetaceans around the coastline , the Iwate Prefecture in January 1989 instituted a licensing system , so that for the first time ever , the hunt could be regulated .
2 At the Food Research Institute Dr David Southgate , who has made a special study of dietary fibre and whose research is the source of the scientific textbook fibre figures , has provided analytical values for the dietary fibre in a range of usefully fibre-rich canned and packaged foods , so that for the first time these products , which form such a major part of modern eating , can be realistically assessed and used for health value .
3 Five years into his term , in 1972 , the BDDA at long last established headquarters at 38 Victoria Place , Carlisle , so that for the first time in its history the Association was run from its own national office by full-time paid officers .
4 The motorbike slowed so that for the first time they could see the outlines of the rider , a derelict farmhouse appeared in its headlight beam and the car behind them started flashing its lights .
5 The woodland shimmered , was still — a moment 's stifling summer silence , then the howl of the new season , a freezing wind bringing death and shedding so that for the second time in two minutes the land was drenched with fallen leaves and snow .
6 As Zen came through the door he suddenly saw an opening and lunged forward , so that for the next thirty seconds or so he was unable to reply to his visitor 's question .
7 If full airbrakes are needed for more than a few seconds , and it looks as though they should be kept on , sideslipping should be used to get rid of the excess height so that for the last part of the approach less than full airbrake approach is required .
8 In fact , Los Angeles scared him a little and for the first six months he barely ventured out of the house alone .
9 He saw with pleasure that she looked cold but not frightened ; she was beginning to swim more slowly and for the first time with trust , as if the water were a friendly and not an alien element .
10 The angels said it would be all right and for the first time , she thought , What if it is n't ?
11 His eyes narrowed dangerously and for a split-second Polly held her breath .
12 Mine Host Norman raised his glass of Highland Park whisky yesterday and for the first time managed to raise a smile from the assembled guests .
13 To elude Khomeinis avenging angels , Behbehanian went underground and for the next few years lived incognito at the homes of various friend , particularly in Switzerland .
14 Warren pointed out that for the first time Britain was aiming to carry out speculative research .
15 A result , I ca n't hear myself speaking if I are the policy and resources committee there were other they were erm er in the debate there were some very good cases brought in to it and some erm good recommendations and this is why I 'm surprised I 'm er forget now why , there were some who were er against by majority because I believe that when we look down on the decisions of the P N O , we have made some very good recommendations if I say so it says on twenty , paragraph twenty in and you people on this authority , members of this authority have been saying a a clear definition of the role of the local government now and for the next twenty years , should underpin any consideration of local authority management structures and the role of members and therefore the joint working party 's consideration begin from an inadequate base .
16 Fill in and return the payment instruction overleaf and for the next three months you 'll receive the New Internationalist magazine absolutely free and with no obligation , plus your gifts .
17 However , I buy this product regularly and for the last three months the price displayed on the shelf has been £1 .
18 I often wish I could live them over again , even though for the first four years I had to supplement my poor earnings by doing evening jobs . ’
19 even though for the next little bit I 'll be seeing her myself as well , but , somebody has to go , only an added incentive so , so is n't it ?
20 Neither then nor for the next four days .
21 Christine looked across and for the first time a defensive flabbiness crawled across her face .
22 One that I look a lot more like the Prime Minister wearing my reading glasses than the Prime Minister actually looks like the Prime Minister and two , the hidden benefits of wearing your reading glasses , group , here , is that I ca n't see a thing over there and for the first time in ten years I 'm gon na enjoy delivering a speech .
23 He announced afterwards that for the first time " active negotiations " had begun .
24 Well do you think that the City Council is spending in an irrational and unreasonable way , currently and for the last ten years ?
25 Media coverage of the CIOB has increased significantly and for the first time coverage has been obtained at national level on television , radio and in the press .
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