Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i just [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps if I just start with that simple question and see how it develops .
2 I think perhaps if I just add a point to that er although we have as four nations agreed on the revised requirement there , I believe it 's true to say that development has progressed to such an extent that probably we will have the original requirement in practice , even though we 've no longer specified it .
3 Better if I just end your scenario right here and now . ’
4 Right it goes to show it 's working so if I just get rid of the earphones .
5 I do n't mind , I do n't mind so long as I just get out a bit on , into town and
6 She looks real comfy there and I think about sitting down for a bit and watching telly , but I ai n't got nothing to sit on so I just carry on standing up .
7 Right , so , rather than me just do some boring stuff there .
8 There are tall black iron gates but they 're hooked open so I just drive through and up a drive of pink bricks to the door .
9 Well no it 's not that I just think it 's the I do n't know you can see through it more .
10 No it 's not cos I just put it upstairs !
11 Okay now while you 're explaining is it all right if I just use your toilet ?
12 When you backshift it 's like the chain 's come off so I just use the rear brake to settle the suspension and stop the rear end from going crazy . ’
13 the gas starts to come off when I just put the acid in .
14 She splits me off from you lot , I 'm really fucked off actually cos like when I just go to dinner I just go with bloody Marina and then I sit there and I just do n't say a word and no one ever talks to me .
15 That 's why I I never like to like button up and I just hate it .
16 No , there 's these girls with a fellow with several cars that way though and I just put it in the bin that was there .
17 I am reasonably happy with my form right now and I just hope the goals keep coming . ’
18 I 'm very disillusioned with the whole thing now and I just think that things are going from bad to worse .
19 Enough has been said about this whole thing now and I just want to forget about it . ’
20 Florals are very much back and I just float about the place in them .
21 Well you try and get those on while I just put these on the right way round .
22 ‘ I 've got a lassie here that I just do n't trust . ’
23 Well if I just leave the car at this angle , pointed out that way .
24 Even if I just get one of my feet in the wrong position it really messes me about and it 's easy for that foot to just flick off the peg . ’
25 One of the questions erm , there was a one of the categories was quiz shows so I thought well I , I do n't , I wo n't do very well here cos I just do n't watch enough and one of the questions was , who was the helper on erm My , on Take Your Pick ?
26 Actually I 've got it on here but I just do n't like saying it all the time .
27 But , when I was asked to go on a demonstration years ago , I did n't because I just do n't see gender as a problem .
28 so there you , you get on the accounts you get a , a er , apparently , income er extension of the scheme budget by nearly four thousand pounds , three , eight , then you go back with what Lord was asking you about and I just want you to explain it if you can , if you ca n't tell me , as he drew your attention to surplus per audited account at August ninety nineteen one , a hundred and eight , eighty , so that , in fact the year ending nineteen ninety two , along these accounts we 're dealing with , in fact the expenditure of exceeded budget by nearly four thousand , the previous year er in nineteen ninety one er it had gone the other way that er
29 She splits me off from you lot , I 'm really fucked off actually cos like when I just go to dinner I just go with bloody Marina and then I sit there and I just do n't say a word and no one ever talks to me .
30 words that yo people are using I 've got now , so I do n't even think of it , it 's just there and I just talk normal that 's the idea really and if anybody asks you what you 're doing , then you tell them and it and you say , if you do n't wish to be on it , well
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