Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] i know the " in BNC.

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1 I have the clock , so that I know the time , Schedule+ so that I can see my appointments , and Word for Windows for word processing .
2 ( Perhaps if I knew the language , I would not have time for these facile analogies . )
3 I 'd got Nicola to say five o'clock because I knew the pool would be busy , with businessmen and secretaries dipping before heading home and a fair smattering of kids getting in practice for the school team .
4 Not that I know the staff there are n't going to care for them , it 's just me , I have to know myself . ’
5 Not if I know the same .
6 I ca n't play it properly anyway and I know the sound of it gets on Mum 's nerves . ’
7 But , with the Cabinet decision and the Chancellor party to it , it was harder for them , and I think we had more success than most other governments in doing this just because I knew the background .
8 I will write again as soon as I know the opinion of the Parish Council .
9 ‘ Give me your number , and as soon as I know the score I 'll ring you back .
10 Gran and I … well , Gran opened up and I know the reason for her succession of illnesses , real and imagined .
11 However , everyone else advised him to do it and it was probably the most catalystic thing he could have done at that period , although I had the feeling even if he did get a hit , it was something he could n't follow up because I knew the style of his writing .
12 Now that I know the genetic formula of my insects , I can reproduce them at will , and I can tell the computer to " evolve " towards them from any arbitrary starting point .
13 Now that I know the truth about everything … ’ there was a note of apology in his voice as he said it ‘ …
14 Now that I knew the source of Jean-Claude 's black eye and bruises , I felt lighter , and the chasm of distrust that had been opened up between Jean-Claude and myself in the rue de Sèvres , closed with the key Otto had unwittingly provided .
15 I class myself as English now and I know the talent is out there .
16 Ca n't think of his name now but I know the chap .
17 I mean I 'm no historian , you 'd have to check up on this with my hubby , but as far as I know the Reformation started up North in Europe a guid lang mile away from Rome and the Pope and that , up in the Region of what we now know as Holland , and Germany and Alsace Lorraine .
18 As far as I know the book was displayed very well in the shops , it was n't under the counter or anything like that , and exactly nothing happened .
19 So how did the work out because as far as I know the the riveter got the cash and then he divvied up the money between
20 Now when I know the boys are preparing for another game and I 'm not there , I will miss it ; the familiar routine , meeting at the Petersham Hotel in Richmond on a Wednesday night , the late meal , the exchange of views as people come in ; the Thursday morning training , dashing round to golf or wherever in the afternoon , the team meeting in the evening , the Friday session , probably going to the cinema at night , the leg pulling , the nervous jokes on the Saturday of the game itself , the closing in from the outside world . ’
21 She said out loud , ‘ I 'm going to find out exactly what transpired all those years ago , and I 'm not leaving here until I know the truth .
22 I knew that voice almost as well as I knew the theme from Doctor Zhivago .
23 I have no desire to pass on nasty stories about other people , not even when I know the facts of the case .
24 She looked alarmed , and even though I knew the significance of this rite , because Nour had told me , for a moment I shared her confusion , her small anxiety at the thought of the violence of that long-past nuptial night .
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