Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Again , in discussing punctuated equilibria ( much or the initial impact of which depended on the assertion that Darwin had got things wrong ) it is not until after several pages that we are told ‘ It is at this stage entertaining to realise ’ that Darwin ‘ anticipated the present debate ’ .
2 Presumably it can be done only where the essential core of each subject is no greater than half the total ; or where the subjects overlap in some way ; or where students are prepared to do more than 100 per cent of the work .
3 In the case of a connected fund manager exempt status is relevant only where the sole reason for the connection is that the fund manager is controlled by , controls or is under the same control as a financial or other professional adviser ( including stockbrokers ) to the offeror or target company .
4 There is no power of arrest under the section , so that arrest is available only where the general arrest conditions of PACE are satisfied , or the disrupters are committing some other arrestable offence .
5 The common law doctrine of frustration applies only where the main purpose of the contract has become impossible to achieve , Herne Bay Steam Boat Co. v. Hutton ( 1903 C.A. ) .
6 It must be borne in mind that the cost of an action in Court will be significant , especially where the principal sum is relatively insignificant .
7 This will be the case especially where the actual affidavit boasts of " highly placed sources " who can be summoned to verify the allegation .
8 This differential amounted to a direct incentive to takeovers by means of share exchange or the use of undistributed profits , especially where the acquired company possessed capital assets which were undervalued in its balance sheet .
9 The prefix ‘ hard ’ always set red lights flashing , especially where the numerical grade was untypically high for the adjectival one — HVS 5b 's like Praying Mantis , on Borrowdale 's Goat Crag , or in Northumberland , Hard Severe 4c .
10 They question the theoretical basis of this approach , arguing that not only might the driver treat this as a challenge to driving skill , but that in the trade off between caution and speed , the driver could equally strike a bargain on the side of risk , especially where the shared space is lengthy .
11 ‘ This was likely to have happened especially where the original charge was attempted rape .
12 Keep down or the same thing might happen to you . ’
13 In one of their questions they asked respondents whether their job required more , less or the same skill as when they had started work .
14 ( c ) Profit share This is a matter which depends upon agreement with the continuing partners and may , eg where the new recruit is of some seniority , involve reductions in their shares .
15 Erm all I can say is the county council economic development people are are there on the ground with their helicopters and the cameras when Kimberley Clarke comes in or the Central Science Laboratory and the car people and so on of the moment .
16 ‘ It depends entirely where you live whether it 's down to the school you are in or the local education authority .
17 Up to 30 victims could have died in a basement community centre directly below where the jumbo jet struck .
18 The roof , which is stripped of tiles , provides the water-supply ; the chimney smokes so thickly that the opposite wall is barely visible ; the few remaining window-panes are stained and the majority are stuffed with rags and paper .
19 ( Who knows , they may even enjoy a book so much that the next time the author is published they may even buy it at full price ! )
20 The Tory party was more loosely structured : there were tensions between the Highflyers and the more moderate wing that emerged under Anne , and which came to be led by Robert Harley , whilst even the High Church chieftains — the Earl of Rochester , the Earl of Nottingham , and Sir Edward Seymour — worked much less closely together than the Whig Junto .
21 In the same way , they took care to spend no more time together than the daily round of school life made appropriate , but the simple knowledge that there was now one person in the small , enclosed community who cared for him healed Richard 's wounded spirit .
22 So although the new machine contains less metal than its predecessor , if offers a high standard of construction .
23 The position for women is even less favourable so although the average length of employment in one firm is greater , few workers are able to recoup the earnings lost in earlier years of their career when wages are lower .
24 So although the Labour group will be moving a reference back of this matter as an amendment .
25 Later , when Caxton set up his printing press in the fifteenth century , the expert printers he employed were Dutch : so although the written language became more standardised , many of our odder spellings derive from the attempts of Dutchmen to symbolise English words .
26 So although the pluralist decision-making system is widely supported as a process in which diverse political interests can wield influence , the outcomes of the political bargaining process are frequently allocatively inefficient or fail to promote social justice . [ … ]
27 Alright , so although the institutional setting can have a direct effect alright , it 's much more likely that the effect will be indirect , right , through , through high prices , and in order for , farmers to er , reap the benefits of support , they need to maximize their yields , and that 's what farmers have done in this country .
28 So although the wet climate in the west of Britain causes more magnesium to be washed from the soil than in Germany , this amount is far less than that added to the soil each year from rainfall .
29 She could tell that Dr Neil was looking at her most sceptically , although he was touching her so gently that the black fear which she had felt before she had fainted did not return — and pooh to his suspicions !
30 Notice especially that the definite article may be one such further selecting qualifier .
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