Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [noun prp] had the " in BNC.

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1 Thunder rolled over and round them from every direction so that Trent had the sense of being in the interior of an enormous drum on which giants beat from all sides .
2 He zipped up his tool bag and hobbled away before Endill had the chance to reply .
3 Franco had been grateful to receive Italian planes in July and August , but he was not happy with the massive despatch of foot-soldiers , partly because Mussolini had the temerity to send more than had been agreed , and partly because the Duce insisted that they were not deployed as part of the Spanish Army , but formed an independent corps , with their own officers .
4 The manager had been trying to set himself up in the Business when he knew full well that Clive had the franchise .
5 His eyes seemed to fasten on her immediately and Maggie had the irritated feeling that he had been given a very uncomplimentary description of her .
6 It was hot and foetid in there and Owen had the ringleader brought upstairs for questioning .
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