Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [adj] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 be careful in the dusk , remember mirror , signal , manoeuvre once you start to overtake move quickly passed the vehicle you are overtaking , when overtake er , overtake only on the right except when the driver in the front has signalled that he intends to turn right , you can overtake him on the left , without getting in the way , when you want to turn left at a junction , when traffic is moving slowly in queues and be er , in a lane on the right and moving more slowly than you are , in one way streets , but not dual carriageways , maybe with a path on either side , when traffic is moving as described , do not increase your speed while being overtaken , slow down if necessary to let the overtaking vehicle pass .
2 Campaigners who 've fought long and hard to save the Lugg Meadows were jubilant today .
3 An hour 's rehearsal was n't much but sufficient to ensure an almost trouble free , if distinctly unrefined performance .
4 The Ministry of propaganda did what it could to play down such disasters and tried for as long as possible to preserve the illusion that they were not important , but Fascism now began to lose a lot of its popular support .
5 Cavity treatment should be delayed for as long as possible to allow the injected solution to remain in contact with blood and other body fluids and care to avoid spillage should be exercised when carrying out drainage .
6 To hold weekly Union meetings for as long as necessary to monitor the progress of the campaign .
7 The other committees are convened only when necessary to conduct the special business for which they are appointed .
8 In some ways he was a throw-back to another era when golfers swung the golf club rather than tried to hit the ball with as much power as they could command .
9 But on this particular morning it was taking him longer than usual to kindle the cheeky spark that had always singled him out from the rest .
10 This means that other people have to wait longer than necessary to see a doctor ; if we could charge non-attenders , as dentists do , it would help .
11 whenever the court is of the opinion that in the circumstances it would be just and equitable to dissolve the partnership .
12 It was just and equitable to order a sale because otherwise unfairness and injustice would result .
13 It is surely not just and equitable to reduce the damages if the court is satisfied that as severe , or more severe , damage would have been caused if a seat belt had been worn .
14 your conduct was such that it would be just and equitable to make a deduction ;
15 it was just and equitable to make a deduction because you unreasonably refused an offer of reinstatement ;
16 In an emergency case , for example , the court may consider it just and convenient to impose an immediate interlocutory injunction , leaving the merits of any defence to be resolved at trial .
17 In particular , if a foreign element is involved the court will need to be satisfied that , in respect of the relief sought against him , the defendant is sufficiently connected with England for it to be just and proper to make the order against him despite the foreign element ( post , pp. 702H — 703A , 705B ) .
18 In particular , if a foreign element is involved the court will need to be satisfied that , in respect of the relief sought against him , the defendant is sufficiently connected with England for it to be just and proper to make the order against him despite the foreign element .
19 A postdoctoral research assistant is required as soon as possible to join an active research group working on novel nonlinear optical techniques for combustion diagnostics .
20 It also announced that a meeting of the Collective State Presidency would be held as soon as possible to proclaim a president and vice-president and discuss the security situation .
21 Serve as soon as possible to retain the flavour .
22 Cohen had meanwhile made a surprise afternoon announcement to the press in London that the US government was " recommending that the forces of the EPRDF enter the city as soon as possible to stabilize the situation " .
23 A meeting of the SADR Cabinet , chaired by the SADR President , Mohammed Abdelazziz , and held at an unspecified location on Nov. 4 , called on Morocco " once again to begin direct dialogue ( with Polisario ) as soon as possible to implement the resolutions of the international community " .
24 ‘ Mr [ Ian ] Lang has this issue very much under consideration and will bring forward regulations as soon as possible to make the fitting of wired-in smoke detectors compulsory in all new dwellings which are built . ’
25 At a time when constitutional change and development at home and across the North Sea are much in the air , I am an unequivocal and enthusiastic backer of the idea that Scotland ought to seek as soon as possible to become a member state of the European Community .
26 The first meeting of the committee received a resolution from a conference held under the auspices of the society and the Canning Town branch of the guild which rejoiced in the wider powers given under the act , and urged the council to ‘ take steps to exercise any , or all of the powers given , and especially that steps be taken as soon as possible to establish a creche or day nursery in the southern part of the borough ’ ( Maternity and Child Welfare Committee Minutes 20 November 18 ) .
27 The importance of Science in the Corporate Plan was emphasised , and there was agreement that the Group should have the opportunity as soon as possible to discuss the Strategic Plan for Science in toto .
28 Signed by representatives of the rail companies , the Ministry of Law and Order , the ANC , the transport workers ' trade union and various community organizations , it included an agreement that the police would redeploy personnel as soon as possible to cover the train network ; working groups were established to investigate issues such as the installation of closed-circuit cameras in train coaches and the implementation of screening systems at stations .
29 As well as agreeing the proposed restructure and gradings the Committee agreed the recommendation that ‘ a meeting between NALGO , DOMIS and HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT 's management be initiated as soon as possible to investigate the possibility of consolidating the New Technology payment for existing staff within the Division . ’
30 Smaller companies , unable to compete effectively and unable to generate the profits necessary for future investment , have tended to stagnate , sometimes propped up by national governments .
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