Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [vb base] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Even this , in its way a successful transaction , had done no better than limp lamely to its achievement .
2 As you reach the waist , pull it up gently and return smoothly to the starting point ( see Fig. 3 ) .
3 The crosser is required to tight-rope walk on the single strand below and hold on to the two other lines for balance .
4 The words just wo n't come any more , so I 'm going to put my biro down and go off to the post .
5 down and go off to .
6 The inguinal swelling ( or ‘ bubo ’ ) continues to enlarge and eventually forms abscesses which break down and discharge on to the shin .
7 There , it seemed , commentary was powerless and pointless ; he would simply read the text aloud and move on to the next poem .
8 It helps , for example , to improve hip abduction ( used in roundhouse kicks when the kicking knee is lifted to the side ) by sitting with the soles of your feet together and close in to the body .
9 Cement the four chimney sides together and secure on to the roof .
10 Mix all the sauce ingredients together and brush on to the skewers filled with the chicken and vegetables .
11 Do you wan na go or not or go straight to your nan 's ?
12 so you can go to them and ask them for advice and they ca n't give it , because there 's not that link back to where you know
13 If you get stuck , just put the map away and go back to it later .
14 Airdrie 's league status is now threatened by relegation and Falkirk could make matters worse for the club if they take anything off St Johnstone tonight and move closer to the third bottom team , Motherwell , who are only three points above them .
15 ‘ I 'll ignore that last bit , Myra ; all I want to do is get this apology for a holiday over and get back to work . ’
16 So indirect pressure , that one then is the feneral and that 's the breaking , they 're the only two we worry about , okay , the feneral and if they ask where it is do n't sort of put two hands over and hang on to your crutch like mad because that is n't really where the feneral artery is
17 If someone persists in being awkward , then as leader you can choose to continue the discussion with them elsewhere and move on to another questioner .
18 Now , Father McGiff told himself , I 'll be able to resume my old evening routine when I can stop my ears to the world outside and listen only to God within me .
19 Let him take his chauffeur 's cap off very slowly and say softly to me , ‘ oh sir , I do n't never want to work for anyone else , never ’ ; let him kneel by the side of the great bed , in the moonlight , and let him lean over to kiss me gently on the lips and to run his leather-gloved hand tenderly across my cheek , across my lips , through my hair , saying all the time , ‘ oh sir , I 'm here sir , I 'm right here , I 'm right here by the bed ; was you calling me sir , did you call me ? ’
20 Fall down , go right and collect the painting , use the painted ledges and stars from the cauldron to get back to the start , go left and climb up the stairs from the cauldron , go right and bounce up to the platform to your right , go to the right of the cloud and paint some ledges to get into the castle , stand on the wall to your right and paint some ledges to go right to the edge of the castle , go up and collect the piece of painting , go down , then up the left side of the window using the painted ledges .
21 Maybe Bunny could learn to moonlight on a mainframe somewhere and tap in to a whole new reference work of nubile young ladies .
22 Become adaptable , so that you can come to the point quickly or ease in to conversation through some social chit-chat , as appropriate .
23 Y'know , we 'd get down town early or go over to Liverpool and spend all day out .
24 Stir in the cream gradually and bring up to bubbling again .
25 Stir in the cream gradually and bring up to bubbling again .
26 I put my Summerchild file aside and turn back to the Quality of Life .
27 Okay , we 'll come back and pick up with you again , if we may , in a few moments time , but I wanted to change tack once more and go back to the telephones , and waiting to talk to us now is Alan Spong , he 's a director of Lunn Poly , one of the country 's leading travel agents .
28 At that stage any pressure may be such a test for faith that the believer is faced with a choice : Give up or go back to square one .
29 I think about it for a bit , then I get up and go over to the shops .
30 I get up and go over to him .
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