Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] down [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Wilde took poetic licence to the extreme , for the true story is much more down to earth .
2 Hypocrisy is a key element in this plot , too , with the difference that while they started near the top of society and were on the verge of receiving power at the very beginning , he — as a bastard son who is only just back from having spent nine years abroad ( the typical occupation for one who has no prospect of inheritance in his own country ) and is due to go again — starts very much lower down in society , virtually at the bottom .
3 Others thought the CDP ‘ should not back down from accreditation as this would seem to suggest that CDP were not a body to be taken seriously ’ .
4 I s I was still only down to sort of eleven stone , but if I get to like ten stone
5 Climbing up to the right and beyond Cow Dub , I followed the beck , dry where it had drained away through the limestone but flowing where the bands of sandstone outcropped , until on the open fell the limestone gave way to glacial moraine and the beck gurgled noisily back down towards Cow Dub .
6 Janacek writes words as he writes music — the two were for him virtually indivisible , and in these abrupt , epigrammatic paragraphs , sometimes brutally down to earth , sometimes fanciful , you can hear him talking — often shouting in your ear .
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