Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] did he [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Yet so well did my father hide his feelings , so professionally did he carry out his duties , that on his departure the General had actually complimented Mr John Silvers on the excellence of his butler and had left an unusually large tip in appreciation — which my father without hesitation asked his employer to donate to a charity .
2 Only slowly did he trace the interference to the calculator , battery powered , made by Casio .
3 Only slowly did he release the strap , as if he was reluctant to do so , and it stretched her nerves unbearably .
4 So compulsively did he watch me empty my glass that he drained his own in compulsive sympathy .
5 The temptation to evade the truth was suddenly almost more than Harry could bear , so achingly did he want to go home .
6 Henry was an exacting master , possessed of so much energy that it was popularly rumoured that he could fly , so swiftly did he travel from place to place .
7 After a time I found myself frequently addressing him as ‘ Father ’ , so naturally did he touch the gentle docile side of me .
8 In my view this restaurant 's three year old is a model of good behaviour : his tantrums are rare and only once did he complain about a lack of attention by peeing on the floor right between my feet and his mother 's .
9 Only once did he stop , having looped back towards the City , in Finsbury Circus .
10 Only once did he seem really surprised .
11 Only gradually did he become conscious of a commotion in the darkness beside him .
12 She was a confident , outgoing girl who usually interacted quite happily with people of either sex and any age , but she was reduced to silence in Luke Scott 's presence , so deeply did he disturb her .
13 From the back of the hummock a figure appeared and began moving unhurriedly up the hill on an irregular route , at times coming obliquely towards the Friar , and then abruptly changing direction and seeming to go away from him : thus tacking and weaving the man was as inconspicuous as a partridge on ploughland , so that if the Friar turned his eyes from him for a moment he was difficult to rediscover , so perfectly did he merge with the duns , browns , russets , and half-greens of the wood .
14 He had longed to be reunited with his family from the moment he had learned of his father 's demise — but only now did he recognize the depth of his longing .
15 Merckx was known as ‘ the cannibal ’ , so often did he scoop up the prizes , even in minor events when he might have been expected to allow minor or local riders to have their day .
16 mm , how long ago did he finish then ?
17 How long ago did he lose his wife then ?
18 So well did he play that Palace signed him from Leicester as soon as the opportunity arose .
19 So well did he play that he was named man of the match .
20 Only then did he return to the newspaper .
21 Only then did he move his hand back , indicating that Tuan Ti Fo should take the stones away .
22 Only then did he reach out and thumb the lock .
23 As soon as he realised his mistake he tried to go into reverse , but once America sent troops to Saudi Arabia the dictator was trapped : only then did he make Kuwait the 19th province and drop all talk of withdrawing .
24 As this was fastened and he was made ready for departure , the prince for the first time seemed ill-at-ease — as if only then did he sense the poignancy of the moment and was after all loath to go .
25 Only then did he stand with his back to the fireplace and look about the room .
26 Only then did he realise he was outside a church — Father Poole 's church .
27 Only then did he realise the extent of his prize .
28 Only then did he drop back onto his own chair .
29 Only then did he zip himself up and reach for the telephone .
30 Only then did he carry him back to the entrance .
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