Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [adv] [vb pp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , Vernon ( 1971 ) defined a multinational to be a firm with wholly or partly owned production facilities in a minimum of six foreign countries .
2 The idea of a systematic and serious , observationally and experientially based study of nature , called ‘ natural philosophy ’ , was one which Locke shared with others of course , and in particular with his colleagues in the Royal Society .
3 Hitherto , music other than the anonymous , never written down and therefore lost music of the people — had been the affair of the Church or the court or great nobles .
4 Mounds of englacially and sub-glacially deposited sand and gravel ( middle ground , right ) mark the position of a stillstand during the retreat of the ice .
5 S -adenosylhomocysteine , a SAM analogue lacking the S -methyl group , and with a neutral rather than positively charged sulphur atom , binds to the repressor but does not affect its affinity for the operator ( T. McNally , personal communication ) .
6 As this happens equity is sacrificed as purchasing power rather than clinically diagnosed need determines which patients should be treated .
7 When the data base for syntactic analysis is a body of naturally occurring speech rather than experimentally elicited material , analysis and interpretation of that data is liable to raise even more problems than finding a way to collect it in the first place ( see 7.2 ) .
8 The 1957 White Paper confirmed in their minds that the decline in British power had reached a point where the concerted pressure of world opinion , particularly in the United Nations , would throw the door wide open for them to walk through into their heritage of immediate rather than prudently timed independence .
9 However , it is obviously important that the targets are relevant ( e.g. based upon international comparisons ) , that reasonable detail on the outcomes is available , and most importantly that clearly defined action is taken to improve poor performance .
10 Waqar , relieved after only one over with the new ball , came on for the 17th over and soon caused umpire Shepherd to scowl as he bounced the ball into Atherton 's left arm and Smith 's helmet .
11 Thirdly , however , the focus on ethnicity as part of the discourse of cultural pluralism and diversity pays scant attention to the highly complex , contextually variable and economically and politically influenced drawing and redrawing of boundaries that takes place in encounters within the minority communities and in relation to white groups .
12 Most spectacular of all were Burlamachi 's services as a sort of unofficial paymaster , notably of English and English-financed expeditions abroad , which provided the occasion for a multitude of ways and means advances in anticipation of slowly and irregularly mobilized government funds .
13 Then John had more or less made fun of him .
14 ‘ As the lady Anne is aware — and to her chagrin — I have more than once expressed admiration of her companion .
15 And though he more than once declared suicide a selfish act , he must also have foreseen that there are certain states of mind in which sensitive consideration of others becomes impossible .
16 … I have more than once drawn attention to the practical difficulties … but the difficulty goes deeper .
17 They seem the ideal solution to starting off that tan before a holiday abroad or showing off that newly honed bod .
18 Mr Fryer and Mr F.W. Dee were Managing Director and Company Secretary at the Brewery respectively and both played golf at Peppard .
19 CP is therefore a quickly and easily arranged alternative to a bank loan .
20 A SHAKE-OUT in Hong Kong sent shudders through London yesterday and almost brought FT-SE 's record-breaking run to a halt .
21 In doing so , he shows how the socially and historically constructed opposition between blackness and whiteness takes on the absolute , unquestionable authority of a natural fact .
22 I I think if you 've got a moderately or well differentiated tumour and i it 's solitary and it 's small and they 're clear at three months tell them to stop smoking by all means .
23 The only possible gaff was when he picked up than so called back pass at spurs .
24 One mudaliyar reported that ‘ the minor headmen though repeatedly and strictly warned rest satisfied if the number of permits or vouchers and the number of cattle agree , without examining brandmarks . ’
25 There has been a breaking down of divisions both between internally and externally generated information and the distinct professional disciplines which act as handmaidens to information .
26 The minor sacred sites may have been fairly informal in layout , precincts hallowed by some long past and barely remembered appearance of a deity , but not separated off from the rest of the landscape in any visible way .
27 The programme carefully and informatively investigated life in the Scotswood Road , and used interviews with residents extensively to illustrate their points of view , along with a good use of background noises .
28 He says they lifted his eyelid up and just poured water in it and when they finished he says that he says
29 The use of a scheme in centrally or cooperatively produced catalogue records can also be important in establishing its future .
30 They point out that well known communication graphic techniques such as pie charts often do a good job of summarising data but are of little use as exploratory tools since they reveal little about their structure .
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