Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pron] hold the " in BNC.

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1 supervision and they 're used until the head of the femur right , the head of the femur is fixed back into the socket joint and the muscles and ligaments have tightened up so that they hold the bone in place and treatment can go on until they 're about a year the consequences of not treating this condition are quite severe , the child will grow up with a very odd gait .
2 So long as I hold the office of Home Secretary , I shall give no countenance to the view that they should not be prevented from being such a danger . ’
3 It seemed almost too heavy for him to lift but he managed it , resting it against his leg and swinging it along as she held the door open for him .
4 in the bottom of the cup , it just when you hold the cup up to the light , the picture comes through , you know it 's , the shape and the colours come through when you hold it up to the light
5 So I said well if I go up me being light , I 'll go up and he holds the ladder
6 The sort of affair that would not be tolerated now that he held the stewardship of the Service .
7 Now the person possessing the goods after the time limit , even if he holds the goods in bad faith , may call himself the rightful owner , while the original owner promptly loses all rights .
8 In ordinary flowing speech , the whole sentence happens so quickly that , even if you held the speaker firmly by the throat , it would not be easy to spot vibration of quickly passing consonant sounds .
9 But even as she held the knob in her hand and was about to turn it , she hesitated and her arm dropped to her side .
10 He runs the match beneath while I hold the tube in my mouth , in the light of the desert green neon , with Billie Holiday oozing from the stereo .
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