Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] i [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Serve the food properly or let me do it . ’
2 There is a hand-out on professional telephone behaviour , a hand-out on the pleas from the switchboard supervisor , and also a form , a course form , if you could take that with you fill it in and let me have it back sometime .
3 It 's got ta make me jump up and down and make me want to knock walls down to secure a deal . ’
4 No I always sit down and do me work but sometimes people just distract me all the time .
5 ‘ Please , ’ she asked , genuinely fearful now , it seemed to Hope , who relished the fact , ‘ will you sit down and let me talk to you ? ’
6 ‘ Here — you run along and let me get on with it . ’
7 Rather than let me do it . ’
8 And I knew , out there , that he would have killed me rather than let me get away .
9 Somehow that made me tell lies . ’
10 ‘ Go away and let me do my work , or we 'll be running on one staff nurse and half an aspirin . ’
11 ‘ Aline , be a dear sweet girl and go away and let me die in peace .
12 This time in the hotels I particularly noticed how many people of different tongues were also staying there — all babbling away and making me wonder who they were and where they had come from .
13 Will you go away and let me have a serious discussion with my nephew without these constant interruptions ?
14 ‘ So how 's about moving over and letting me get on with it , eh ?
15 Sorry , yeah I said Mark 's gon na come over and help me dig it .
16 It stops me concentrating on breathing properly and makes me feel as if I 've lost control of the situation .
17 Anyway , carry on and let me know if there are any real difficulties .
18 ‘ Well , put it on and let me see . ’
19 Come on and help me look for it . ’
20 Did I think the big flanker was offside and did I think I was half-held .
21 In the meantime , I 'd be really grateful if you 'd step aside and let me come on board for a while . ’
22 you want to cut a piece off and let me see what it 's like
23 Are you gon na come home and help me dig this pond out then Mark ?
24 You would come darkly near and let me feed on your open mouth , while with a generosity that was ready to offer you everything , my heart , my throat , my entrails , I gave you to hold in your awkward fist the sceptre of my passion . ’
25 Just shut up and let me get the fuck on with it .
26 Well shut up and let me shut the door
27 He let me go up and made me sit on the divan and he put on some music and turned out the lights and the moon came through the window .
28 I 'm sure that Ruth searches her heart , she , she may of made her decision lightly way back to go with Ruth er , to go with Naomi but not now , its a heart searching decision she makes , the choice before her , do I go back or do I go , do I go on , do I go back to Moah with its familiarity with all the things I am aware of or do I go on into the unknown with my mother in law and with her god Auper makes a choice and she goes back and Ruth had , Ruth says no and she makes the commitment and she says there , in verse sixteen , do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you , for where you go I will go and where you lodge , I will lodge , your people should be my people and your god my god and its those last few words that makes all the difference , your god will be my god , I will not be a stranger there , I will not be an alien there , I will be part of your people , and the only way she could be part of Naomi 's people was for Naomi 's god to be her god , that was the thing that kept , that was , that was the common denominated should all of Naomi 's people , because they all belonged
29 The question is therefore asked with an implication attached to it of ‘ do I have to start getting really worried now or do I have time to adjust to this bad news ? ’
30 Mrs Tiller suddenly pulled me out and made me stand at the side .
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