Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [prep] [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 As it is occasionally covered by the sea this sand is not compact so that at times we could walk fairly comfortably , but at other times we sank in unexpectedly , which broke up our rhythm and made us tired and frustrated .
2 The old stone walls closed about her , so that at times it seemed to be suffocatingly hot , and she found herself putting up a hand to her throat .
3 His body clock free-ran so that on occasions he was the victim of a clash between an internal cause — which thought it was night and wanted him to sleep — and an external cause , society — which required him to work in the ( real ) daytime .
4 Its companion , Alcor or 80 Ursæ Majoris , is of magnitude 4.0 , and is easily visible with the naked eye ; the angular distance between the two is 11.8 minutes of arc , so that in binoculars they make a noble pair .
5 Arcturus can be found by following round the curve of Ursa Major , but it is in any case quite unmistakable ; it has a K-type spectrum , and is a lovely light orange , so that in binoculars it is beautiful .
6 His thick white hair was cut short and unevenly , so that in parts it stood up in clumps .
7 Angelica loved the valley people — some of them , anyway but at times she could find them … well , basic more or less summarised the idea .
8 Why are we in Britain made to feel guilty about flying the Union Jack just because on occasions it is used by extremists ? — .
9 Do n't ignore it just because at times it seems impossible to deal with .
10 In considering patterns of morbidity both within and between populations it is usual to distinguish between acute and chronic health problems .
11 We 'd arrived and Mr Tuckett had driven off and within minutes I could be seen , from the street , through the open curtains , upstairs in a bedroom .
12 Is n't that , meant we , we say that I know time goes on but in years they took to pay the loan .
13 He answered earnestly and in words I could understand .
14 For walking out and for Sundays he had a cord jacket and cord trousers .
15 Spring and Wimbledon were still here , even if at times he felt he had landed in a foreign country .
16 DUNES : To most people dunes are sandy hillocks to enjoy a stroll around but to golfers they are the enemy .
17 Why are people more attractive to us than sunsets , even though at times we 'd rather escape the people for nature ?
18 Even though at times he scared her .
19 Eva never speaks of being afraid as the various political situations blew up even though at times it must have been rather like walking a tightrope after UDI .
20 It has been suggested that the shock of widowhood for a woman is like compulsory redundancy for a man ; and for a woman whose career has been as a housewife this might certainly be the case , even though for others it could prove a relief from the narrow constraints of their domestic role .
21 I did draw the line at giving up the spices I cooked with even though for years I continued to receive remarks about my stinking of garlic , yuk , with monotonous regularity .
22 I wanted to try them on right there but for months he let them dangle in the closet upstairs , growing the wrinkles and airpockets that would finally fit his shape , the peculiar wishbone of his shanks .
23 And I know what I am , but what I am so closely resembles somebody else that at times it even scares me !
24 On several subsequent Manhattan visits I met Tom again and between visits we exchanged letters and limericks .
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