Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Another accident we had with an a wardrobe two of my lads had which was a funny one in retrospect but I some when you carry a wardrobe , funnily enough , the easiest way often if you 've got a tight corner , you know as you go round a corner in a staircase you 'll come from a landing and often turn right or turn left to go down , if you put it at an angle like that then you wo n't get it round the corner without catching the bannister .
2 For your FREE catalogue complete and return the coupon opposite or dial Please ask for Dept 115
3 Sometimes , as in the case of a foreign or inter-state trip , the youngster may just not be old enough or experienced enough to cope , but at other times they may not be showing enough sense of responsibility to be safely granted privileges .
4 And I know these people do n't feel free , I know they 're all hurrying along or sitting there worrying about their jobs or their mortgages or being late or an IRA bomb in the nearest litter-bin , but I look at them and feel a terrible sense of loss , because I think I 've surrendered all this ; the ordinariness of life , the ability just to be part of it and take part in it .
5 I teetered , caught control again , and made it down that last forward rush , sliding and bouncing through the lunatic water .
6 On the other hand , Memet had been to public school , so that had probably finished him off …
7 It was also sad that no English spinner had been seen throughout the rubber , and that both sides blatantly and cynically ignored the ruling about bowling 90 overs in a day , so that play just continued until the light faded every day of the series ; those two factors left many people fearful for the game 's future .
8 The one who took the lead looked big enough and mean enough to relish a ruck if there was a chance of one .
9 He took his place opposite and leaned forward to fill her glass with Pouilly-Fumé .
10 By the mid-1950's the catch was diminishing , then the big Russian and Dutch factory ships moved in and began virtually vacuuming up the fish , taking the young as well as the adults .
11 She had never heard anyone come in and had never expected it .
12 The results are keyed in and validated locally using a ‘ cut-down ’ version of the reporter module .
13 He failed to control the ball when intercepting a pass from Chris Malkin 30 yards from goal and Pat Nevin nipped in and slipped away to guide a shot inside goalkeeper Kevin Poole and the near post .
14 So I says I 'll pop down and go inside to see what like it is .
15 Perdita was settling down and had even hit a respectable forehand which only just missed the goal when Alejandro , out of some devilry , swopped one of his sons and a cousin for Luke and Angel .
16 He said nothing ; he put the phone down and walked away to get a bus .
17 He jumped down and began again to dictate .
18 It really annoys me , and every now and again I sit him down and say now look you , oh Henry , and he adores , the actual , personally my father adores my mother and the sun has always shone out , she 's the only person in the world for him
19 Moodie , despite a clutch problem on his Honda , closed within four seconds at Ramsey on the final lap , but the 37 year-old Reid put the power down and pulled away to win for the second successive year .
20 Somewhere along the line , real communication can break down and talking together dwindle to basic exchanges about the practical commonplaces of daily life — ‘ Did you remember to post the letters ? ’ — ‘ Will you pick up Auntie ? ’
21 It will carry out commercial work for example using the Dounreay Fuel Plants only if doing so uses facilities important for the government work and also reduces the net cost to Government .
22 Then she laughed out loud and turned away to find her cigarettes .
23 So and see just get to like the smell .
24 The tennis equipment specialists , Head , had brought some racquets and accessories along and had also set up a ‘ speed-gun ’ to record service speeds .
25 She tried to put him out of her mind while she drove along and had almost succeeded when she pulled up outside the surgery and saw a car standing in the yard .
26 Suit comes along and sits there sipping coffee .
27 Let us pass the word along and come together to fight in the only way left open to us — the way the church has always been meant to fight — behind enemy lines .
28 Because Hector 's dolphins can not hold their breath for long and dives rarely exceed 2 minutes ( compared with up to 8 minutes for a bottlenose dolphin ) , entanglement in a set-net is usually fatal .
29 The preacher held his hands together and looking skywards said , ‘ Forgive them Lord , for they know not what they do . ’
30 Sexton is eager to keep his side together and has already discussed with Football Association officials the prospects of arranging friendly fixtures .
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