Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] as [pron] has " in BNC.

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1 I respect them , especially so as he has just come from South Africa .
2 So long as everyone has an equal right to vote there must be a limit to the variations in prosperity in the community that are politically acceptable .
3 Even a 25-year-old male with a couple of speeding convictions leaving the car on the street in a high-risk area can expect to pay only £424 per year , so long as he has a five-year no-claims bonus .
4 ( 4 ) An applicant shall not be treated as having failed to comply with subsection ( 2 ) ( b ) above if the notice is , without any fault or intention of his , removed , obscured or defaced before the first day of the meeting of the board at which the application is to be considered , so long as he has taken reasonable steps for its protection and , if need be , replacement .
5 Barry Quirke , chairman of the Institute of Statisticians , said : ‘ We would be very keen to support any initiative to set up an independent committee , so long as it has teeth .
6 His position could be summed up as saying that so long as it has not been established beyond doubt that God does not exist , we should believe in God .
7 The good news is that the most common infestation , by the woodworm — or anobium punctatum or furniture beetle , call it what you will — can be treated , so long as it has not gone too far into the timbers , at a cost of a few hundred pounds .
8 NEXT loops execute at integer speed whether or not the control variable is an " integer variable " ( % type ) , so long as it has an integer value .
9 There should be approximate equivalence of numbers so long as there has been no preferential loss of either jaws or teeth , and the expected percentage values should be in the region of 100 per cent .
10 In the UK , the present position is that microbiological processes are patentable so long as there has been a significant human intervention in the discovery of the organism and its isolation .
11 The allowance is given from the date of bereavement to the end of that tax year , and for the following year so long as she has not remarried by the start of that year .
12 With less children , a woman can feel at peace , she does n't get old so quickly as she has n't got so much work .
13 The teaching body in the university , so far as it has not joined ‘ The Thing ’ , has always preferred to accept the philosophy of ‘ The Thing ’ rather than reassert what it well knew was the requisite of any academic society .
14 ( One may however ask after the nature of men in so far as it has been men rather than women who have created these pictures of the world and of the ‘ place ’ of woman within it such that they should have needed to construct such a misogynist picture . )
15 The meaning of a given sentence , so far as it has one , is not some determinate characteristic which it carries around with it .
16 First , where the obligations are non-cumulative , i.e. the obligation of each is to perform in so far as it has not been performed by any other party , the acceptance of some other performance in lieu of the promised performance relieves the others .
17 A group is coherent in so far as it has a certain continuity in its consciousness , its organisation and its action ; but its coherence also implies that its members do actually support one another in practical ways that are consistent with the objectives of the group .
18 Decisive victory for either side : that is what Turkish policy , in so far as it has any power , has been striving to prevent .
19 It falls foul of one of the cardinal principles of the law of trusts : the principle of benefit , which states that a person can be validly appointed a trustee only so far as he has received benefits intended by the settlor under the settlor 's will .
20 I have suggested earlier that part of Beccaria 's reputation may have resulted from his glossing over the more unsavoury implications of his views , and the fact that his full programme has never really been put into practice ; but this is not to deny that , in so far as he has been an influence , he has been a relatively benign one .
21 ‘ In the execution of a letter of request the person concerned may refuse to give evidence in so far as he has a privilege or duty to refuse to give the evidence — ( a ) under the law of the state of execution ; or ( b ) under the law of the state of origin …
22 We did n't expect it to last as long as it has , and were hoping for some relief by the end of the year .
23 If the sport grows over the next 10 years as quickly as it has in the past five , I could make a lot of money . ’
24 Yet the question has to be asked : how much is this really an artificial crisis which will subside as quickly as it has arisen ?
25 Nigel and Rosamund Starmer-Smith 's tragic loss of their daughter , Charlotte , has clearly affected many of you as deeply as it has us .
26 It does n't have to be followed slavishly , which can happen when a man wants to impose a schedule and organise it as formally as he has organised his work .
27 I really think that 's what has made the business stay , and go as far as it has .
28 It is small wonder that Dr Underwood finds it a ‘ little disconcerting ’ as the inference of the inquiry , as far as it has gone at present , would appear to be that it is better for a child to stay in East London sleeping irregular hours in ill ventilated shelters and eating fish and chips than to have fresh air conditions in one of our Camps with regular hours of sleep and plenty of well prepared wholesome food ( in which vegetables fresh from the garden play a large part ) forming a diet balanced in accordance with the best advice obtainable from the Board of Education and others …
29 They say that nobody remembers who came second but when that has happened to you as often as it has to Montgomerie , it is difficult to forget .
30 The great agricultural revolution of our own times , in which drainage has played no small part , has accelerated the decline of the small farmer just as surely as it has imperilled the ecological system previously sustained by communal wetland management ; and , at the last , it has begun to destroy the basic resources of the land , as ever deeper drainage has created mineral problems in the soil , wastage of peat , and an increasing dependence upon pumping .
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