Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] as it [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 They were now walking along together as it was too cold to stand about .
2 Chicken 's feet used to give the lie to my bravura claim to Eat Anything , so long as it was recently dead .
3 At first , this stress on ‘ natural religion ’ , as it was called , did not necessarily mean the abandonment of Christianity as revealed in the Scriptures ; so long as it was not inconsistent with reason , it could be accepted .
4 In other words , so long as it was cheap , the precautionary principle might be applied .
5 Boy would have been happiest to stand on the end of a pier from which big ships , real proper ocean ships , embarked ; but he would have settled for just an ordinary pier , a small one — so long as it was big enough for him to walk away from the city , into the wind , turn his back on everything and stand there looking west at an empty sea , or a far horizon , and think about America , or somewhere .
6 Desperate in his anxiety to leave Bristol , almost any available house now seemed acceptable to Coleridge so long as it was near Tom Poole .
7 The commodity might have been hides , jade , tobacco , salt or precious metals , so long as it was accepted as a means of discharging obligations .
8 The fact that John had handed over the reins of power to Miss Doris and Mr Smith seemed a great honour but his stipulation that they should keep and maintain the name and reputation of the business so long as it was possible to do so proved a massive task for them in later years .
9 But — so long as it was made clear that this was a genuine option , and entirely voluntary — we are in favour of lenders in this country at least recommending insurance and pointing out its advantages .
10 The usual jibe was that Crowninshield was a politician without a cause , or rather that he would support any cause so long as it was fashionable , but his critics also attacked Crowninshield for being wealthy , claiming that his eminence was solely due to the vast amounts of money that he spent on his campaigns .
11 Above all , she loved his Italian mannerisms : hands cupped together in a pleading gesture when she was slow to understand something or arms flailing in the air as he enthused about the beauty of Capri , the magnificence of St Peter 's — anything , so long as it was Italian .
12 It did n't matter where so long as it was cheap .
13 He agreed to do homage so long as it was spelt out that Aquitaine should belong to him and his heirs for ever .
14 They were bound by it so long as it was not in conflict with their statutory duty .
15 Now it was again being ruled that the Yugoslavs should be handed over , so long as it was not necessary to use force — but to this a subsequent note now added a very important qualification .
16 Any direction was as good as another — so long as it was away from that thing .
17 In the past individual authorities could always escape centrally imposed financial constraints by raising extra income from the rates without penalty ( so long as it was prepared to risk the ‘ political ’ reaction from local ratepayers ) .
18 Perhaps now Merymose was beginning to share Kenamun 's desire for an arrest at any price , so long as it was soon .
19 It offered to put some of the Mrs on railways in the 1990s , but this solution was never very popular outside the Air Force , which wanted anything so long as it was cheap — lest it have to take money from other projects .
20 Similarly , although libraries were established in temples and palaces in order to conserve records of the past , there is no evidence of any interest in history , except in so far as it was a guide to action in the present .
21 Some writers have held that the essential thing about medieval law was that it was discovered , not made ; in so far as it was valid and sound , it was a reflection of divine law ; it partook of the nature of what in more recent times has been called ‘ fundamental law ’ .
22 In so far as it was possible to control the number of children they had , a significant number of Victorian parents were beginning to do so — if only because of the simple fact that the fewer sons and daughters there were , the more could be done to give each of them a good start in life .
23 However and whenever it was first formulated , this pangenetic reduction of every mode of generation to micro-ovulo-gemmation could take inheritance , in so far as it was completely conservative , to be effected by an exact replication of a whole in all its parts ; so that variation , reversion and so on are explicable as disturbances , suspensions and complications of that fundamental replicative tendency .
24 His mission , in so far as it was to reconcile the Nationalists and Communists , was a failure and indeed could hardly have been expected to be otherwise .
25 Thus the anti-aristocratic debate , in so far as it was not a literary fashion , was a polemical weapon in a struggle within the nobility between the nobility nobility allow it trained golillas ( pen-men , usually of modest noble origin ) and the ‘ military ’ aristocracy , who may have regarded office as the reward of rank .
26 I am , I regret , unable to agree that the judgment of the court beyond this or that , in so far as it was obiter in the context in which it was delivered , can be supported or that it binds this court .
27 In earlier times many learned lawyers seem to have believed that an Act of Parliament could be disregarded in so far as it was contrary to the law of God or the law of nature or natural justice , but since the supremacy of Parliament was finally demonstrated by the Revolution of 1688 any such idea has become obsolete .
28 In earlier times many learned lawyers seem to have believed that an Act of Parliament could be disregarded in so far as it was contrary to the law of God or the law of nature or natural justice , but since the supremacy of Parliament was finally demonstrated by the Revolution of 1688 any such idea has become obsolete .
29 Fourthly , the 1966 White Paper made it plain that at that time it was the government 's intention that the polytechnics should remain primarily teaching institutions ; as the DES notes of guidance subsequently indicated , research would be justified only in so far as it was of educational value to the teaching staff and of benefit to industry and business .
30 He moved round the room — in so far as it was possible in such cramped quarters — glad to he relieved momentarily of desk work but perhaps by way of indicating that the interview must be conducted as if we were both on the move ; and this meant that certain remarks were addressed to the window or the mantelpiece .
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