Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [that] i think " in BNC.

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1 That procedure became operative so effectively that I think the management subsequently realized that unless they had shop stewards who were capable of discussing the matter intently you know , and objectively , then they were on a loser , because they then stood to lose more productivity than hitherto .
2 So much so that I think the time has come to discard those tests which have proved so elusive .
3 What I 'm trying to say is that it 's providing for people already here that I think should be a major item of population policy , and doing it not in a massive world sense , or even a country , but in particular areas as well .
4 Having given you food for thought , I 'd like to move on to a discussion of the criteria and can I say right now that I think it would be right and proper to limit our discussion this morning to the criteria .
5 I think there 's a third fact that you touched on earlier that I think it 's just worth mentioning and that is that we know it 's also a genetic pre-disposition to anorexia nervosa , in other words , we know that in certain families it is a disorder that will run from one generation to another .
6 ‘ There 's a hunt afoot tonight that I think your Tutilo would be well advised to avoid . ’
7 okay just that I think if you 'd done it on your own
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