Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The committee system , the greater resources of staff and money available to members , and the relatively weak calls of party loyalty have combined to suggest that this role can most successfully be performed by the United States Congress .
2 But it has always been recognised that , where individuals desire that services of a special kind which , though not within the obligations of a police authority , can most effectively be rendered by them , should be performed by members of the police force , the police authorities may ( to use an expression which is found in the Police Pensions Act 1890 ) ‘ lend ’ the services of constables for that purpose in consideration of payment .
3 More fundamentally , the decision in Katsikas raises the issue of whether the employee can most effectively be safeguarded by legal provisions which are mandatory and so can not be contracted out of or whether the law must respect the employee 's freedom to choose .
4 Hambros Jersey contended that the jurisdiction conferred by this rule can only properly be exercised by analogy to R.S.C. , Ord. 11 , so that leave should not be granted unless the case falls within one of the paragraphs of Ord. 11 , r. 1(1) .
5 ‘ Look , I 'd much rather be talking to you than … ’
6 The reasons could perhaps only be determined by interview , as supervisor pressure may well be the factor operating here .
7 The reasons could perhaps only be determined by interview , as supervisor pressure may well be the factor operating here .
8 Harris has argued that the value of life can only sensibly be taken to be that value that those alive place on their lives .
9 Nightmares can perhaps better be defined in terms of the emotions they evoke , rather than any particular subject-matter .
10 Their potential has already been recognised and exploited in other fields — schools will not so much be moving with the times as running to catch up .
11 This sort of liability can obviously only be incurred by someone acting in the course of a business ( a " businessman " ) .
12 Such people should obviously only be used in very straightforward cases or where an urgent preliminary report is needed for the purpose of issuing proceedings .
13 In the first place , as knowledge of the syntax , phonology and semantics of various languages has increased , it has become clear that there are specific phenomena that can only naturally be described by recourse to contextual concepts .
14 Sometimes I stick to ‘ driver — ’ well , I have a cab ( though you 'd better not be talking to a real musher ) and a Heavy Goods Vehicle licence .
15 Sandy said , ‘ We 'd better not be heading for your place , even if you 've been doing it up .
16 Of course this notice would naturally not be signed by both parties as required by s. 2 , which had come into effect a few weeks before .
17 It can perhaps best be viewed as a policy decision .
18 What Ho himself understood by Marxism at this stage can perhaps best be seen in the first Vietnamese Marxist revolutionary text : The Road to Revolution , published in 1926 .
19 The implications of life-style for marketing , and the problems of definition involved , can perhaps best be illustrated by some examples .
20 French cooperation in the EEC in the years immediately after 1958 could perhaps best be described as the lull before the storm .
21 THE subject of statutory interpretation is not usually taught in Law Schools , and you may perhaps not be examined upon it .
22 The PCA legal adviser , Bob Rice , said : ‘ Reichmarks are totally worthless so it will obviously not be considered as a valid bid . ’
23 Programmes which were made for a general public of native speakers of the language will obviously not be graded for use with language students .
24 My faith and sights are on the lasting reality , the Zimbabwe of the future which will not be made by either the faithless or the fearful ( and sometimes I have seen both ) ; it will obviously not be won by those who run away .
25 Four agents were detected in less than three patients each , however , and could threfore not be tested at 5% significance level .
26 The light was fading to a point where the battlements of the Hovis tower could only just be distinguished from the pinkish-gray of the sky .
27 You will find that the modulation is approximately correct when the flashing can only just be seen over the steady glow .
28 Its future depends on a different kind of alliance with the class that created it who wo n't for much longer be reduced to the status of clients dependent on the whim of their political godfathers .
29 If we can establish that literacy practice involved a socially variable set of conventions ( as I hope this book will make a contribution to doing ) , then claims for its consequences will not so easily be disguised as universal truths .
30 But he never explained how it is that we can so easily be led by involuntary desire .
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