Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [that] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There are advantages in transferring the investments to your wife altogether so that the income arises to her if she has spare allowances , or if you are in the age allowance trap and she is not .
2 A chain command where a series of requests is made altogether so that the child gets information overload , e.g. ‘ Put your toys away , tidy up your bed , and put those shoes in the box ’ .
3 When used in a properly fitting , thin joint they were reliable enough but , when the joint fitted badly so that the glue-line was thick , the shrinkages and internal stresses set up when the glue hardened often caused the glue to craze and to fall to bits in the joint .
4 She crossed her slender legs very slowly so that the panel of her dress fell away to reveal long , shapely limbs plus a glimpse of white satin briefs .
5 We passed along slowly so that the cortège could be seen and all could have a last look at the coffin .
6 In the Leisure Society the employed are an elite of highly educated and skilled professionals who work full-time , but the wealth created by the equipment they have designed and operate is dispersed rather widely so that the mass of the population are able to live reasonably well off the products of the automated machinery cared for by the core elite .
7 I believe that the money should be spent now on the services used now , and we must ensure that the planning is right so that the terminus is built in the right place .
8 Right , so it will be sel self defeating , job creation in the urban areas will be self defeating and most of the , the reason why that was particularly important because historically most of the job creation schemes that governments have put in place with or without aid in developing countries is in the urban areas , you know , it 's the erm subsidized industrial plants , subsidized erm manu manufacturing industry , right so that the import substitution industries er have been set up with government and or aid money , foreign aid money and what Harrison Todaro was saying you 're wasting your time putting money into these big projects , right , because that only in that only in erm exaggerates th the migration problem because it really will increase people 's perception of er job possibilities in the urban area , they think there are jobs being created by government there , that will happen as another , as another stimulus er let me just draw a little diagram what Harrison Todaro was saying right we 've got time here such to say horizontal axis marks the lifespan of some representative migrant , then you 've got wages , wages in the agricultural area and wages in the urban area like let's just say that this is the wage rate in agriculture , right .
9 And then your cloth on so that the cloth is n't sitting on the top because it 'll rust it , if it 's wet .
10 The warden said that she would turn the heating on so that the fiat would be warm and she would be there herself to welcome him home .
11 These snakes have evolved the ability to rear up and squeeze their poison glands so forcibly that the venom inside them is propelled towards their enemy as a jet or spray of droplets .
12 Aye , by varying the nature of the stimuli so contradictorily , unpredictably , and totally — so confusingly that the mind could not concentrate upon one species of ordeal , but was assaulted instead by a menagerie of martyrdoms , a zoo of torments .
13 His immediate concern is to get them to help themselves but not to do it so successfully that the state will throw in its hand altogether .
14 Thomas suddenly started to shake so badly that the ice in his glass chattered .
15 The shock of those soft words made her jump so badly that the room swayed , and with a gasp she felt the jade fly from her hand .
16 If the trial goes so badly that the plaintiff wants to take the money out during it he must , as was decided in Gaskins v British Aluminium Co Ltd [ 1976 ] QB 524 , make an application to do so , and he must have the defendant 's consent even to make the application .
17 Inn many cases this is what they get , However this is not consolation to the user who , having been misinformed by an out of date roadside timetable , spends , say , fifteen minutes at a windswept bus stop , in pouring rain , awaiting a bus that is less than clean , being driven so badly that the ride is uncomfortable by a brusque and unhelpful driver . ’
18 The two lieutenants seem to differ only in that the officer whose men are field-equipped wears brown canvas leggings .
19 1156 followed its own decision in Rex v. Sheridan and applied it to facts which differed from those in Rex v. Sheridan only in that the defendant had there consented to be tried by a stipendiary magistrate and had pleaded guilty before the magistrate decided to commit him for trial on indictment .
20 Hatred and fear of women is not new and is overt in religions , so much so that the evolvement of codes of courtesy to the female has been felicitous .
21 It similarly exerted itself to establish working relationships with other international organisations , so much so that the Council of Europe became a kind of central clearing house for cooperation and coordination , with the Assembly ( renamed the Parliamentary Assembly in 1974 ) receiving and discussing annual reports from other European bodies , such as the European Community and the European Free Trade Association , from OECD , and from several UN agencies .
22 For example , skilled workers may enjoy considerable autonomy by virtue of their employer 's reliance on their skills — so much so that the employer gives little thought to attempts to rationalise work or de-skill jobs .
23 The Ramsay Street choir was a sensation , so much so that the crowd instantly bayed for an encore .
24 So much so that the joke went around : ‘ Why are there no pornographic magazines in Romania ? ’
25 Albert Finney brings four-square authority to the part of Alfred , so much so that the audience is in danger of overlooking the subtleties of Stephen Moore 's performance as Michael — his plaintive vanity , the show of modest perplexity with which he explains that the situations in his plays just somehow turn out to have universal significance .
26 ASTRONOMERS have traditionally regarded the sun as an absolutely constant source of light and heat , so much so that the amount of radiation reaching the Earth ( at its average distance ) is called the ‘ solar constant ’ .
27 In the case of a prolapsed disc ( a slipped disc ) the vertebrae have been pulled together with a great force arising from muscular tension , so much so that the membrane that encloses the fluid in the disc has burst .
28 ‘ So much so that the client wants to retain many of its original features . ’
29 The snow was driving down so thickly that the windscreen-wiper could n't keep the glass free of it .
30 He is also superbly crafty in the book in inserting , so gently that the recipient would n't even notice , the odd barb .
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