Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb -s] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Much obviously hinges on this word ‘ normal ’ and the accepted idea of family life .
2 So much rides on this one game and not just the financial prize , considerable though that is .
3 Whilst it might cause some obvious short-term distress to tell the older people that they have unrealistic expectations of their children , to fail to do so inevitably leads to more unhappiness in the longer term .
4 As so often occurs in these situations , I had become blind to the obvious — that is , until my pondering over the implications of Miss Kenton 's letter finally opened my eyes to the simple truth : that these small errors of recent months have derived from nothing more sinister than a faulty staff plan .
5 erm They gave away one goal , but erm that so often happens in that sort of situation , but no , people can score goals erm from anywhere from Oxford United and Jim Magilton was singled out in particular , I mean he 's been with the side since October and scored nine goals from mid-field , that really is a tremendous performance .
6 I mean , we do n't stand still at this because what will seem a very good service this year will look like a lousy service in five years ' time so let's not pretend the fact that we have n't achieved everything we 've achieved this year in some previous years means that we have n't made any improvements because I think one of the key areas where in fact er improvements have been made in previous years , and to a certain extent , one could say reading this I was worried by an apparent admission of very much reference or very much expenditure on them in the provision of day centres , because I think that a key element in care in the community and the fact that today so successfully this year has been the fact that a major number of th and I do n't think there 's any disagreement over this , a number of day centres , very efficient and very effective day centres , were developed , funded , provided mainly in the conurbation areas and I think Mr is right to highlight the fact that , as so often happens in these instances , it 's people who live in conurbations who get the best deal because it 's , it 's more economical , it 's easier to provide a centre for a large number of people than it is for a small number of people .
7 And as so often happens in these situations , with United on top for so , so long , it was Charlton on the breakaway who scored that vital equaliser with just nine minutes remaining .
8 ‘ One thing so often leads to another .
9 Often young riders break all the rules at Pony Club due to not organising themselves , so here goes with some do 's and don'ts ;
10 The attempt to demonstrate how a close linguistic analysis can explain a text 's meaning and effect only partially succeeds in this case , since the thoroughness and precision of the description are undermined by a failure to discriminate between features of different significance within the poem , and by a general neglect of the socio-cultural context in which the text is embedded .
11 Much else follows from this single motivating principle .
12 Cziffra only occasionally succumbs to that particular devil within him but , when he does , it can be either disastrous , as in the middle section to the slow movement of Tchaikovsky 's First Concerto , or it can miraculously work , as in Beethoven 's ‘ Rage over a Lost Penny ’ , where an unexpected surge of tempo can not fail to take his listeners with him .
13 Regular aerobic activity not only burns off this excess fat , but it keeps it off forever .
14 That not only applies to such distinctions as race and gender but also to work .
15 But a context normally also acts in such a way as to cause a single sense , from among those associated with any ambiguous word form , to become operative .
16 This view lingered on for a long time and probably still exists to this day .
17 Some damage is always done , no matter how careful the technique , and the recovery of small mammal assemblages nearly always depends on some form of screening which can be moderately destructive .
18 whether we succeed or fail in what we try to do nearly always depends to some extent on factors beyond our control .
19 Alas , little now remains of this once-thriving community , which made such an important cultural contribution to Prague , and indeed to Judaism .
20 He was , in fact , responsible ( albeit inadvertently ) for goading the American Association for the Advancement of Science into conducting an important symposium on the subject , and his name today continually recurs in most of the dinosaur literature .
21 If it was not until later that the accused discovered that he had been overpaid it is suggested that the money no longer belongs to another because ownership of it passes on payment .
22 Finally , the ‘ intelligentsia ’ and scholarly circles — presumably attached to Leipzig University — in condemning Hess reportedly included some reproaches for Hitler for selecting such a ‘ mentally disturbed person as his possible successor ’ , though it was immediately added that most members of such circles were ‘ nevertheless convinced that the Führer no longer hears at all about the actual mood and situation within the Reich itself and that most things are kept from him ’ .
23 It is also possible to define the recognition point of a non-word : it is that phoneme at which the stimulus no longer corresponds to any English word .
24 The sceptic might argue that the modern Roman Catholic Church in civilized societies no longer acts in this way but the convinced anti-Catholic can turn Rome 's own claims to be unchanging back on the Catholic Church and insist that the basic aim remains the same .
25 A non-zero cosmological constant no longer seems at all unreasonable .
26 Since the connection with future profits no longer holds in this situation the basis on which ‘ altruistic ’ acts can normally be supported , their putative contribution to long-term profits , does not obtain .
27 The publication of reports on full inspections of individual schools has become routine and no longer leads to any public debate of the rights and wrongs of such reporting .
28 The DSS note states : ’ There is also the practical problem that the routine destruction of case papers means that evidence no longer exists in many cases . ’
29 She either involuntarily submits in this role ( as does the woman on the pages of Penthouse ) or she does it voluntarily , like de Sade 's Justine or ‘ O ’ in the pornographic novel by Pauline Reage , The Story of O .
30 Erm , I would have to say that 's going to be in the range of five hundred to six hundred , and very much depends to some extent on what happens in the winter months , and I 'm sorry to keep stressing this point , but we have n't yet got twelve months ' experience of operating this particular change , and until we 've got at least a year 's experience , and I think one would have to say , that some of the figures need to be portioned , but equally , you ca n't afford to be too cavalier in terms of your assumptions about that demand might reduce to , and I 'll touch a little later on how you control expenditure in those terms .
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