Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb infin] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although many patients are quite fit when admitted to the ward , they will become completely dependent when they have an anaesthetic and may only slowly return to independence after a surgical procedure .
2 Both the American and British missile programmes owed much to German wartime work on their V-1s and V-2s , which did so much damage to London , Antwerp and Paris during the closing stages of the Second World War .
3 He used to tell me I was going to fail but I did so much work at home it was my best subject .
4 I do n't know how long I 'll be — you 'd much better get off home . ’
5 He better not go to Cheryl 's again !
6 ‘ Well , if you did n't put it under my door yourself , maybe you 'd better just check with Reception downstairs . ’
7 He had begun to feel that Carrie was really growing to love him , and having borne him his first child the future had seemed so promising , but now today he had been reminded that everything he had hoped and prayed for could so easily crumble into dust .
8 Why bother , when we could so easily pay in cash ?
9 In two further cases the role intention plays is the same sort of interpretative role which it can so easily assume in legacies : to consider what meaning the testator attached to the words he used ; or what his intention was in imposing a modality on a disposition .
10 Do not pile up plates or saucepans higgledy - piggledy on a high shelf , where they can so easily fall on top of you when you reach up for something .
11 Even if one remains within the traditional canon of the eighteenth century , it is hard to believe that a major critic could so easily dispense with Goldsmith , Crabbe , and Burns .
12 now can we look Mr at the print below the table , costs , questions and answers we find that many people considering purchasing a apartment have similar questions can I ask you this , would you personally ever deal with people who were considering purchasing a apartment ?
13 In this context , therefore , evaluation can only legitimately focus on processes .
14 So why come to Mainz ? ’
15 I 'd rather not go to Liverpool !
16 ‘ I find that nowadays I would much rather not read about criminals .
17 That 's er a little bit of fun in that , but er we might have a little bit of advice for you if you are preparing to receive guests you 'd rather not see over Christmas .
18 I can not altogether agree with Ruskin .
19 Thus if the clause does not expressly refer to negligence , the clause may still exclude liability for negligence provided that ( 1 ) the wording is capable of covering negligence and ( 2 ) there is no other head of liability to which the clause could apply .
20 It is true that the section does not expressly refer to proceedings by way of injunction as such ; but , as I have previously said , the breadth of the section is such as to embrace injunction proceedings , brought under the power subsequently conferred by section 222 of the Local Government Act 1972 , when such proceedings are necessary .
21 We have already seen that national rules which do not expressly discriminate on grounds of nationality may nevertheless have this effect in practice .
22 I wonder whether Christ would not rather go to Calvary again than to suffer the unfaithfulness of some of his friends .
23 Who would not rather own to theft and deception within the Church 's writ , rather than put his neck into the sheriff 's noose for murder ?
24 Since these particular constraints do not apparently operate upon variation in subject-verb agreement in standard English , which in turn is affected by a different set of constraints ( see Huddleston 1984 : 241 ) , we must assume that the surface variants of the verb which occur in the two dialects are embedded in structurally different grammars .
25 Though his union did not entirely disappear in Hull it took many years to recover .
26 Two things made that strategy profitable in third-world loans which do not obviously apply in property .
27 The general intention in each case was not to screen the train completely , but to ensure that trains did not suddenly come into view without warning , for that would have given no time for a rider or driver to control the horse , which might otherwise bold or unseat its rider .
28 Although increased cellular proliferation does not necessarily relate to carcinogenesis , some researchers have suggested the use of increased cellular proliferation as a marker of cancer risk in man and since some dietary fibres have been shown to increase colonic cellular proliferation and to increase tumour yield in nimal models of colon cancer the effect of fermentable fibre on cellular proliferation may be a cause of concern .
29 National emergencies , however , may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment .
30 National emergencies , however , may not necessarily coincide with times of personal emergency and gold is an erratic investment .
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