Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [subord] have been " in BNC.

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1 So the practice has been to regard them rather unofficially as having been satisfied if there is compliance on about … three occasions out of four , or four out of five , or two out of three — practices are variable from one authority to another .
2 In the south , this sympathy factor ensured that Congress ( I ) performed much better than had been expected .
3 He and Matchsticks blended in perfectly as had been predicted back in Teheran .
4 Paul had done less well than had been expected of him at Balliol , not through his own fault .
5 Richard was still not allowed to speak — he was not recovering quite so fast as had been expected — and he could make little reply when Laura told him that this was exactly the kind of thing she had expected all along , and that she would see about disposing of Lord Jim immediately .
6 In the 1970s it was only a curiosity but around 1980 it had a renaissance when people discovered that in certain complicated molecules , involving both deuterium and tritium , the presence of a muon caused fusion to occur much faster than had been previously thought possible .
7 All she had been told when she came round after the anaesthetic was that there had been a few complications and the operation had taken rather longer than had been expected .
8 This was essential to the development of many zones , but not necessarily as had been anticipated .
9 Despite assurances from US Defence Secretary Dick Cheney that only the Okinawa and German weapons would be destroyed at Johnston , the fear persisted in many Pacific countries that the USA would abandon plans to build incinerators on the American mainland and would use the Johnston facility much more widely than had been hitherto suggested .
10 This project aims to contribute towards improving the accuracy of economic forecasts by exploiting the concept of the ‘ leading indicator ’ more thoroughly than has been done before .
11 The books being published now are more attractive and relevant ; they are usually written by experienced and practising nurses rather than doctors , and as a result are more appealing to the reader and are reviewed more enthusiastically than has been the case in the past .
12 This is just one more sign that the courts may be balancing the scales of justice a little more fairly than has been the case over the past decade or so .
13 Appointing the FDP leader Walter Scheel as foreign minister and ably assisted by Egon Bahr , Brandt developed ‘ Ostpolitik ’ much more dramatically than had been possible under the Grand Coalition , in a situation where East-West détente was increasingly more welcome to the US and so need not endanger Western unity .
14 He had completed the commission , rather more fully than had been envisaged , and all that was required of him now was to deliver it .
15 For instance , the censuses of 1971 and 1981 investigated country of origin more fully than had been done previously to extend knowledge about the immigrant population .
16 They certainly would be required for an inner relief road erm to function effec as effectively as has been suggested at this E I P .
17 Dundee United mastered the elements better than their opponents and had in Ferguson , Scott Crabbe and Paddy Connolly lively players who continue to give the impression that Jim McLean is not far off having a team capable of far better than has been seen from his club in recent seasons .
18 The fact that the long-stay population was not declining as rapidly as had been thought meant an expensive ‘ double running ’ situation .
19 Her temperature was not falling as rapidly as had been expected , and this , he feared , had been caused by her determination to get out of bed too soon .
20 The Company was pleased to accept , but things did not progress as smoothly as had been anticipated .
21 In spite of the recession the PSBR continued to fall , though not as fast as had been forecast .
22 Since fuel is a major part of a coal station 's running costs , the fact that prices were not rising nearly as fast as had been expected would have a fundamental impact on the future cost of coal-fired electricity .
23 Like every other class and institution , the nobility was tested in the crisis of 1808 and the French invasion : it does not seem to have failed in this test as completely as has been asserted .
24 But improvements were to occur , sometimes faster than had been the case before 1914 .
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