Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb pp] is [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What is less widely recognized is that , whatever their claims to empirical evidence in support , these arguments reflect a particular intellectual tradition , that of liberal political philosophy .
2 ( What is less widely known is that Draize testing need involve only minimal discomfort ; the animals are under local anaesthetics and are humanely killed upon completion . )
3 What is less widely known is that at this moment two P-38 Lightnings , ( distinctive , long-range US fighters ) appeared , their star insignia clearly visible , and although it may have been coincidence even to the sophisticated in a crowd of some hundreds of thousands it must indeed have appeared that the mandate of heaven had assumed its newest form .
4 What is not so widely appreciated is that even after problems of vocabulary and fluency are overcome a more fundamental differentiation remains .
5 One reason why chalcedony has been so highly esteemed is that it lends itself to a variety of decorative treatments .
6 What is not so generally realised is that many deaths and serious illnesses also result from the poisonous substances produced by a range of other animals .
7 Perhaps the most disturbing factor I have so far encountered is that any savings from outpatient surgery are to the purchaser 's benefit , not the provider 's , and therefore outpatient surgery will effectively incur a financial penalty .
8 What is less often recognized is that it was distinctly innovatory , marking important breaks with earlier theories of female sexuality and helping to generate an intellectual climate favourable to regulationism .
9 Everyone knows that that book is a critique of ‘ logocentrism ’ ; what is less often recalled is that the terms of the critique with which it opens announce the design of focusing attention on logocentrism 's ethnocentrism ’ which , Derrida suggests , is ‘ nothing but the most original and powerful ethnocentrism , in the process of imposing itself upon the world ’ .
10 One of the chief reasons why these issues have been so hotly contested is that they have enormous bearing both on the significance of the religious changes introduced under Charles I and on the possible causes of the English civil war .
11 Less well known is that the Act also gives enforcement officers powers to deal with food premises and with equipment which is unhygienic and unsatisfactory within the context of the legislation .
12 What is not so readily understood is that many of these people are paid extensively on commission .
13 What we have not previously considered is that a cultural trait may have evolved in the way that it has , simply because it is advantageous to itself .
14 What they have not yet recognised is that , if that is normality , if those are the institutions the system requires and that their normal behaviour , then the system is wrong and another is needed , a new economic model which will mark an advance from the sterile confrontation between Capitalism and Socialism , thesis and antithesis , to the synthesis providing a long overdue advance in democratic practice and a means of treating the chronic and disabling debility of the national economy .
15 A feature of Pauling 's theory now largely forgotten is that the chain of amino acids in a protein can , at least in principle , be twisted either to the left or the right , giving both left and right-handed helical structures .
16 What is often not realised is that many deserted settlements have interesting and largely unappreciated post-medieval remains as well , such as mansion sites .
17 Skynner says the question he is most frequently asked is whether therapy has not dampened Cleese 's power of comic invention : is a happier Cleese not a duller one ?
18 What is equally well known is that the orderly reduction in capacity will be proportionate to existing market shares .
19 A question not very satisfactorily treated is as to what aspect of our being recognizes that there are these different degrees of authority , and what sort of reality authority is .
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