Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb pp] on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is the part of the poem which is most fundamentally centred on Ireland , as Artegall 's principal quest is to free Eirena from her enslavement by Grantorto , a cruel giant .
2 Aleks ( Russia ) , a Moscow-based security company , is marketing a computer database of business partners to avoid : rather suspiciously launched on April 1 , the service — Conduit — has information on what it calls ‘ untrustworthy commercial partners ’ and the database is apparently updated by aggrieved entrepreneurs and firms that have been victims of fraud or deceit and are seeking redress ( or revenge ) — canny Aleks says it can not be responsible for the data contained on the database ; users must pay 5,000 roubles as an initial fee , plus another 100 roubles a month and 20 roubles for each reference .
3 This sentiment was not so much based on results — those of the evolutionist disciplines were hardly capable of experimental falsification — as on a belief in the infallibility of the ‘ scientific method ’ .
4 BRITAIN 'S ‘ greenest ’ car is the Subaru Vivio 660cc which has only just gone on sale .
5 One would not want to suggest that attending football games on Saturdays , as opposed to any other day , was rule-governed if matches are only ever played on Saturdays .
6 The deputy commander of the first artillery battalion reported that all its cell members had been so busily engaged on operations amongst the civilian population that there had been no meeting for over a month ( they were probably occupied in some of the unsavoury tasks noted earlier by our peasant soldier and his mother ) .
7 Little work has so far focused on plant pathogens , but it is likely that this will ultimately develop as another component of integrated pest-management strategies .
8 But to the men of Kufra whose fathers or grandfathers had settled there because it was so centrally placed on trade routes , or because it was so remote from Ottoman , Italian or British control , ‘ central government ’ appeared indeed as a real force , but as one located — so to speak — in the extreme northwestern corner , in Tripoli .
9 On the id our gelada like foraging career left instinctual trends which far from favouring altruism , strongly motivated males to sadistic sexual egoism and perhaps correspondingly imprinted on females a fatalistic , passive tendency which Freud was to term ‘ feminine masochism ’ .
10 Less often seen on wing than Golden Eagle .
11 And we 'll give them a fork and knife and I wo n't go into it in great detail but everything is going to be the six courses will be entirely accurately served on bread plates over on pewter trenchers .
12 The figures also demonstrate how well matched are the action and control samples : that in both places they were well matched on age , proportion with an involved relative/ friend , proportion in owner-occupied housing , and on OBS score ; they were less well matched on gender and on proportion without an inside lavatory ( though the difference was not great ) , and least well matched on marital status and on proportion living alone , with the Ipswich control sample and the Newham action sample being more likely to be married and ( therefore ) not living alone .
13 It would seem that the direction in which it will be refined is to move towards a system more or less completely based on unit costs , or common funding , and that the element of further funding has been included as a temporary measure to allow high cost institutions to adjust to the new system .
14 Yet it 's arguable that the Germanic qualities that are prevalent in Wand 's conception are entirely appropriate to a composition that is so closely modelled on Bach 's Brandenburg Concertos .
15 The Afropithecini is characterized by thickening of the enamel on the molars ( only actually measured on Heliopithecus ) , by broadening of the molars , reduction in molar cusps and ridges so that the occlusal surfaces become more flattened , hyper-robusticity of the canine , the breadth of which is almost as great as length , and enlargement of the premolars , particularly the uppers , which are 92–97% the size of the first molar .
16 Never before have Corelli 's 12 Concerti grossi , Op. 6 been so plentifully represented on disc .
17 There was a wealth of meaning in that smile , one not entirely lost on Ellie .
18 ( This is a goodwill payment , not necessarily based on admission of error ) .
19 Tax is not necessarily paid on fringe benefits , indeed many qualify for tax relief .
20 Stamp duty is not necessarily paid on assets transferred by delivery and the purchaser may wish to apportion a significant part of the price to these assets , subject to other tax considerations .
21 That 's easy enough done on s narrow bend like that one .
22 ‘ Oh , I scarcely think so , ’ she said carelessly , ‘ I am not much set on jewellery , you know … ’
23 And I think this is a pretty critical problem , and of course it 's not only based on Sussex schools , but it 's based on a number of schools throughout the country which we 're studying to see the effects of this programme .
24 They are not only based on nature , they copy nature , line almost for line .
25 He not only informed on fellow-members of the Communist Party in 1934–6 and requested a public session in which to do so ‘ because secrecy serves the Communist cause ’ ; he took a display advertisement in the New York Times to justify himself .
26 Saussure himself uses the example of polite formulas many of which , as he says , do seem to be ‘ imbued with a certain natural expressiveness ’ , but which are nevertheless entirely based on convention .
27 In Hippolyte , independent wind parts in the famous Tonnerre ( Act I scene 4 ) and the enharmonic Trio des Parques ( Act 2 scene 5 ) are wholly editorial ; so are the added oboe lines not easily negotiated on Baroque instruments at the entry of Diana ( Act 1 scene 5 ) and the woodwind in a number of the choruses ( e.g. ‘ Pluton commande ’ , Act 2 scene 3 ) .
28 Despite all this , and very probably contributing to it , schools had very largely not taken on board the issue of homosexuality , and 60 per cent of the sample said it had never been mentioned at all .
29 The long , silvery , all-metal kitchen was already occupied by two figures dressed in white trousers and jackets topped by high white paper hats : the diminutive lady chef from Montreal and a tall willowy young man who introduced himself as Angus , the special chef employed by the outside firm of top-class caterers who were providing for this journey the sort of food not usually served on trains .
30 It is not directly represented on Senate which is the supreme academic body .
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