Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb pp] with [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The great treeless plains from Salamanca to Valladolid were most economically employed with wheat and grazed fallows , while other poorer provinces — Avila for instance — could grow little else , even if it meant wretched crops and three-year fallows .
2 Although Gregory insisted that he was related to thirteen of his predecessors in the see , his family was most obviously connected with Burgundy and the Auvergne , and a local priest , Riculf , saw him as an outsider .
3 After being so intimately associated with Christ and hearing his parables of the Kingdom and private commentary interpreting those stories , his disciples still expected the Kingdom to come in the material and nationalistic terms of the Old Testament ( Acts 1:6 ) .
4 However , by the time the war ended BMK had long since finished with blankets ( after they had produced 2.5 million ) and had turned to engineering .
5 Our most important finding , however , was that age was only weakly associated with mortality , even after adjustment for the severity of comorbid conditions .
6 Even had it been the best apple tree anyone could knit I can not see that I would hang swing tickets on it ( so badly coloured with felt tip pen that the Infant 's class would be ashamed of the work ! ) .
7 The controversy received a new lease of life in March 1983 when the Irish Farmers Monthly published a confidential , internal IBM report and claimed that up to 2,000 acres of agricultural land near the mine were so badly contaminated with lead , zinc and arsenic that they were unsuitable for agriculture .
8 Moreover , such comment is liable to prove all the more harmful after a Calcutta Cup in which — for all the criticism that the scrum-half should have fed his backs more — Morris so tellingly demonstrated with Stuart Barnes the value under the current laws of having two half-backs , each of whom poses a very real threat in his own right .
9 The problems of the informal interview , then , are considerable , and they may make us feel that the formal type of interview is much less beset with difficulties and open to the criticism of lack of scientific method .
10 Objects of all kinds occupied every inch of space and the walls were so thickly hung with pictures that smaller drawings lay flat or propped against their neighbours .
11 The graves had to be searched for in what looked like a clearing in a pine wood , they were so thickly overgrown with grass and heather .
12 Around me , as the pirates and Famlio stared at Gharr , the atmosphere grew so much charged with fury and tension that it almost crackled , like a defective energy field .
13 Here , he was much better supplied with materials than for Elphege .
14 Over most of enclosed England , the small fields were hedged around with hawthorn fences , more or less thickly interspersed with ash and elm — the great trees of the Midlands — which when they were full grown gave the appearance of an almost continuous wood , especially when seen from an eminence .
15 She half held it out to Ellie as fair play so obviously fought with desire — and Ellie took the decision out of her hands by shouting , ‘ She 's found one ! ’
16 Pope has commented that it is hard not to detect in Ælfric 's statement in Wyrdwriteras that we sceolon secan æt Gode sylfum urne ræd mid anrædum mode ( we should seek our counsel from God himself with unanimous spirit ) " an allusion to the unræd so unhappily associated with Ethelred " .
17 This is perhaps best illustrated with reference to earthquakes .
18 It is difficult to believe that a writer who writes such drivel as does Paul Gallico could be so unpleasantly deluded with grandeur .
19 Personal ambition might be served by a bureaucracy , but is perhaps more associated with power culture and person culture .
21 Certainly they are much better off compared with teachers in , for example , Malawi or Zambia .
22 The position is still worse because , in many schools , most of the RE time available is spent on content only marginally linked with religion : on moral and cultural education of one kind or another or social studies in which the information conveyed about different religions tends to be of a largely sociological nature , describing other people 's customs and beliefs .
23 Not all religious sites were so openly associated with water , however , despite its popularity in Celtic theology , but caution is necessary when trying to identify religion as the primary function for a settlement 's foundation and continued existence , as so many small towns possessed at least one temple .
24 The Northern Ireland Act 1982 provides for the existing Assembly ( which lacks both legislative and executive powers ) to make proposals for the transfers to the Assembly of legislative and executive powers but such proposals must be such as to be ‘ likely to command widespread acceptance throughout the community ’ and although attempts are currently under way to evolve such proposals , they have not so far met with success .
25 that this conference congratulates our Bolshevik comrades of Russia on their splendid efforts to bring about a general peace , and their unflinching opposition to the brigands of international capital , though we deplore the fact that their efforts to stir the workers of all the belligerents to revolutionary action has not so far met with success , yet we promise to do all in our power to awaken the proletariat of this country to class consciousness so that a speedy end may overtake the tyranny of capital .
26 In laying out a chord which covers a wide range the bottom two octaves or so should be less densely populated with notes than the higher altitudes .
27 Switzerland has lots of Alps , but they are now less densely equipped with skiers ' dormitories than those of France and Austria .
28 The floor was tiled , in diagonal squares of grey and white marble , and the walls were so densely covered with pictures and looking glasses that it was hard to tell whether or how they were papered , but the general tone and impression was of a deep purple and red .
29 Plus the plain tile eave coursing so often seen with pantile roofs in the North East .
30 The Pennsylvania Central built a holiday pavilion with a high cupola at Cape May , New Jersey , while half-timbering , so often associated with holiday architecture , was the dominant feature of the Southern 's Asheville resort in North Carolina .
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