Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He added : ‘ There is real suffering going on right now and we have to do what we can to alleviate it … to make sure people do n't starve . ’
2 I 've got better copies of the blank B one , but the handout is getting rather Right so if we 're looking at , we 'll complete the B one .
3 The winning artists were presented with their cash prizes by John Wood Group PLC chairman and managing director , Ian Wood and guest judge Ralph Steadman , who stayed on especially so that he could attend the presentation .
4 They overtake you and then they slow right down so that you have to go oohooh and stop .
5 that 's why she ca n't get the screw right down so and I doubt whether the woman in the shop will be able to do it , needs a bloke .
6 Mark them down with your knife down the back down here , you know , right down so as you had a mark .
7 A thud of chopping — movement between the tree trunks — a labourer was coming towards him , one of the consignment of convicts he had ordered through a merchant in Bideford , he had his machete in his hand , he was not menacing , he held out his spare hand in a strange appeal , lifting his face , which was crossed by deep scars , wounds across his eyes had puckered them right in so that he moved like a blind sleeper , closer and closer — Sir John woke up sweating , surprised to find himself alone , and then remembered : he had been drinking with his cousin Alexander Menzies of Bolfracks , the last bottle must have sent him under .
8 She thought she would have to hold on extremely tightly if they were to go any faster , but she thought it was a thrilling , intoxicating sensation to be borne along like this .
9 ‘ What a lot of questions , ’ he said coldly , and put her out of his path rather less gently than he intended .
10 It is usual to grow on the cuttings for a year so that the stock stems become somewhat thicker than a pencil but rather less so than your little finger .
11 He would n't tell me what was going on down there because he did n't want to worry me as far as the safety conditions at that particular mine .
12 No I am grateful to Mr because he 's finally crystallised in my mind something that 's been bugging me the longer I stay on this council about exactly what the Tories see their role here as and it 's now very clear to me , more than ever and that is that if you want to be obstructive and negative and if you go on long enough being obstructive and negative what you can end up doing is that you 'll find yourself eventually in a position going on long enough that you can make totally meaningless speeches but at least you 'll get nice headlines in the paper and that seems to me the whole essence of the Tory strategy .
13 Right , I think we 've been going on long enough and I think you 've been sitting there long enough , ha
14 The situation is a little better today than it was when Barbara Wootton wrote these words fifteen years ago in Social Science and Social Pathology .
15 ‘ Things are a little better now than they were .
16 But it is also noticeable that Mackenzie wrote a much less dramatized description of his grandmother , ‘ a weird old lady ’ with penetrating eyes and a low voice ’ , who had only fallen a little less severely than her ex-husband , living as landlady in a poor alley with ‘ an old servant companion ’ in a house furnished with antiques .
17 Answer : Levi has said he plays professionally only so that he can indulge his other interests .
18 For ‘ the game ’ was one that everyone played , and that was all right so long as you took your losses without squealing .
19 But Miss Philimore seems to think she 's all right so long as she 's watched , and it would save me having to look for someone else . ’
20 ‘ Papa says it 's all right so long as there are other people around . ’
21 And I did have a splendid evening , spending most of the time with a red haired sergeant who seemed to appreciate my sense of humour — in fact , I thought we were getting on so well that I was disappointed when the evening ended and he did n't make any arrangements to see me again .
22 The prince was seated , not in his chair of state , but between two of his clerks at a trestle table , with a quantity of papers and parchments spread before them ; and his treasurer stood at his shoulder , ready to advise if requested , but looking on so impartially that it seemed to her he had already done his share .
23 Secondly , if the joke is so successful that it gets a lot of laughter you do not want to rush on so fast that your next words can not be heard .
24 Theda had shoved it on so hastily that she must have carelessly left a little hair visible .
25 To take an obvious case , modern manufacturing industries can only go on so long as there are capitalists and workers .
26 " Amabel , there 'll be nobody in Frizingley to touch you , " said John-William Dallam , sitting down rather heavily since he had run upstairs a little too quickly at her call and did not want her to see how easily , these days , he could lose his breath .
27 Nilsson , firmly entrenched in her seventies , leaves her native Sweden only rarely nowadays and she never much cared for recording studios .
28 And Clara , overcome by the wonderful , felicitous acceptability of his offer , an offer so familiar to her , so marvellously manageable , trembled only most slightly as she said , staring down at the limp arrangements of her hands , " Oui , surement . "
29 They must go in right away if they are to bloom for Christmas .
30 King lived in an age when growth rates changed only slowly so that his greatest concern was the possible end of the world !
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