Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I 've got to think — if anything happened to me mother , say she were to pass away tonight — I 've no job and nothing coming in at all , only perhaps interest from savings which would n't keep me …
2 What will happen if schools fail to comply with the recommendations remains to be seen — so far introduction of reviews has resulted in substantial voluntary initiatives for change in all Dutch medical schools .
3 To make a contribution towards this end requires not only knowledge of alternatives and commitment to putting them into practice but also an understanding of how social policy is made and implemented .
4 This scheme was set up to provide not only relief for carers but also stimulation and companionship for sufferers who live alone .
5 Base is here defined following Williams ( 1983 ) , so that it includes not only production in terms of industrial structure and experience of it but also aspects of social reproduction , including elements of the domestic and of the welfare system .
6 These had not only control of promotions in them , with powers of life and death over their men , but even the right to impose their own systems of drill and tactics .
7 Ardizzone is not only thinking of picture-books , of course , for his illustrations to The wind in the willows and to A. A. Milne 's Pooh stories make a similar contribution to the story .
8 Not only employment in terms of the relationship between proposed industrial allocations and housing allocations , but the purest employment er problems of the construction industry as well .
9 It is causing , causing not just lot of problems for us now .
10 And he says that the registers will not just impact on companies owning the land included .
11 As likely as not they were cottagers partially dependent on casual labouring , while not infrequently assessment on wages gives practical expression to the class of servants mentioned by the act of 1533 .
12 Philosophy , for Hobbes , is not simply knowledge of effects ( or causes ) based on knowledge of causes ( or effects ) .
13 There was not even evidence of men initially without such predilections enduring a process of seduction .
14 The blaze broke out early yesterday morning in premises once occupied by The Cheapest Wallpapers and Paints in the town 's Parliament Road .
15 The latter mosaic from Dyer Street ( a 3 x 3 arrangement of octagonal panels ) is of a more even blend of figures , although these are yet more elaborate and individualistic ( pictures in their own right ) .
16 The purpose of this practice is to ensure a more even distribution of pupils around the LEA 's schools .
17 As well as the chance to witness the climax of the men 's and women 's World Marathon Cup and watch a friend or relative struggle over the line , the tickets also include breakfast at a London hotel , once again courtesy of adidas UK .
18 In Britain today , the Holstein type is almost threatening to extinguish the dual-purpose Friesian type completely and there is once again confusion about names , with the British Friesian Society changing its name in 1988 to the Holstein Friesian Society of Great Britain .
19 They acknowledged that if emancipation were eventually to come it would require the moral progress and demographic increase consequent upon a conscious policy of a more equal sex ratio amongst slaves ; education and religious instruction ; the reorganisation of the work of the slaves to provide a progressive increase in the time devoted to autonomous labour from which earnings could be directed to self-purchase ; possibly too recognition of obligations to the former master even after the date of legal emancipation .
20 First , it is possible to operate with columns , using postmultiplying matrices Mi ; but this is really only transposition of operations on rows .
21 Quite something to witness , and often not part of feminists ' vocabulary .
22 In the wake of the Anglo-Irish Agreement there is now also intimidation from Protestants .
23 They 're guides and stewards are really partly kind of guards .
24 While many of these types of work categories are still very broad , what the tables ( and diagrams ) show clearly is that there is a marked contrast between subjects such as computing and engineering ( civil , electrical/electronic , mechanical ) where one type of work absorbs 70 per cent or more of the graduate output , and subjects such as English , history , biological sciences or social studies where graduates are absorbed into a fairly even plurality of occupations ; with everything in between these two extremes .
25 Semantic categories are not listed separately , since , as suggested in 2.9 , it is easier to arrive at these through other categories ; we shall , for example , use our lexical categories to find out how choice of words involves various types of meaning .
26 Now here again calculation of forces er and er the , the er er conduct of operations was in fact strictly limited .
27 Perhaps the most convincing illustration of the power of the monarchical idea and the extent to which it was still unchallenged is the way in which almost everywhere opposition to rulers , insofar as it was formed or organized at all , tended to centre around the heir to the throne or at least some member of the royal family and to use him as a figurehead .
28 The party was as sure as ever about Christian principles , and the advent of women into the organization may even have strengthened the connection , but there was no longer certainty about forms and institutions .
29 Splitting this function into its partial fractions where Now comparison of coefficients of s shows that , or , Hence and application of equation ( 11.32 ) reveals that In a similar way from equations ( 11.32 ) and ( 11.35 ) .
30 The only major gaps in an otherwise even pattern of settlements are the present villages , and it is likely that many if not most of these are on earlier sites .
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