Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , the halt and lame , vividly portrayed in Les invalides in book 2 of the same collection ( 1716–17 ) , are surely destined to proceed slowly rather than at the ‘ fast triple time ’ suggested by Geoffrey Chew in the article ‘ Notation ’ ( 111 , 4 ) in New Grove , where the opening bars of this piece are reproduced in facsimile ( xiii , p.376 ) .
2 Experience shows that dieters very often prefer to eat alone rather than at the family table contrary to the exhortation ‘ make this for the family too ’ beloved by diet experts .
3 I think he could cope all right but at the back of his mind will always be the fact that possibly he let the party down .
4 " Nowhere " , he wrote , is there so much and at the same time so little centralization as there is in Russia .
5 The theme and each variation are extremely brief , only eleven bars , and each finishes so quickly and changes mood so rapidly that at a first hearing one can not possibly grasp the course of events .
6 In the event , however , Labour actually suffered a swing against it compared with 1986 , lost a net total of 20 seats and , in some boroughs , even performed less well than at the 1987 general election .
7 The services were cut so drastically that at the time no one in their right mind would have forecast that they would become so bad .
8 I have got to alter myself so completely that at the end I should hardly be recognisable as the same person .
9 Thus , if the buyer does not immediately buy replacement goods but does so subsequently and at a different price from the market price at the date of the breach , that is normally irrelevant .
10 Given that the majority was aligned on grounds which had nothing to do with policy , it was difficult for strangers to vote so publicly and at the same time to hold aloof from an alignment in which they had no personal interest , and which might even have damaged their commercial interests .
11 First , just two appear at the front end as distinct blocks of tissue and then , about each hour , another pair are added behind them and a wave of formation proceeds backwards so that at the end of a few days there are 46 somites .
12 Pious shock and horror was expressed at this frailty in the face of temptation — far more so than at the evidence that men behaved in the same way .
13 Cut , move to a new position further away and at a different angle .
14 Business sales have also fallen more sharply than at the same stages of the 1973–75 and 1981–82 recessions .
15 Until you are within a minute or two of your ETA , there is no need to call for QDMs more frequently than at a half to one minute intervals .
16 Moreover , nuclear proliferation is an issue which needs to be tackled more comprehensively and at a wider international level .
17 He 's more forward than at the same time last season . ’
18 Robert exhibited both locally and at the RA .
19 You spoke about what was said in the brochure that management charges had been or would be running at about a rate of inflation , we can see it on page fifty six , it 's better if you look at it I think , rather than I parrot phrase , see fifty six if you so kind now see fifty six is talking about at Broadstone will the management charges greatly increase the answer is no management service , er , sorry has appointed U K leading management specialist for several reasons , firstly because of their professional caring attitude , secondly because time has shown that management charges , rises the rate either slightly below or at the levelled inflation when that brochure was produced in respect of that development was that statement true or was it not ?
20 one of the things said there is , time has shown the management charges rise at a rate either slightly below or at the level of inflation , a fine record not easily beaten what , what do you say about whether or not that was accurate in nineteen eighty five for instance ?
21 It seemed as though he was going straight through but at the entrance he stopped peeped into the passage and broke away .
22 Assaulted by a tumbler of wine and the smell of much mixed nervous human activity , I was soon crawling about on several elbows , being splashed from high above by excess wine while my eyes , ears and mouth were up there and at the same level of height of depth as everyone else , adding to the massed attempt to obliterate the loud dancing music which obliterated the loud dancing which packed the conversations into pouring constipations .
23 Would you like it there up there or at the back ?
24 We shall continue to support the Indian Government 's courageous economic reform programme both bilaterally and at the IMF .
25 In the same way that these changes have varied spatially — both regionally and at a local scale — so too have the modifications to social organizations themselves varied .
26 The enclosure of open fields into the smaller fields that form our familiar world today , and the reclamation of the wild lands , had been going on intermittently and at a varying pace in every century .
27 When the defender sees the attack coming , he steps back smartly and at the same time raises his hand to execute an inside block .
28 they mentioned he had an excellent game — and from the goals showed the scot goalkeeper could have done much better on two of the italian goals … specially the first one — a flat shot from far out and at an angle too .
29 ‘ I decided that was the job that appealed and it 's just as well because at the interview I talked myself out of the other jobs by being so keen on the post office . ’
30 At each stage — prior to drafting as well as at the end of each stage of drafting — teachers confer with pupils .
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