Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [conj] i think " in BNC.

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1 That procedure became operative so effectively that I think the management subsequently realized that unless they had shop stewards who were capable of discussing the matter intently you know , and objectively , then they were on a loser , because they then stood to lose more productivity than hitherto .
2 It 's been going on for long enough and I think something should be done about it , ’ he added .
3 Right , I think we 've been going on long enough and I think you 've been sitting there long enough , ha
4 So much so that I think the time has come to discard those tests which have proved so elusive .
5 I think that 's had it , I think the er man from customs Simon was saving that , the man took it all apart and I think that 's why it probably got broken so quickly because I think they messed with it .
6 He told a news conference : ‘ I am very happy with their progress so far and I think they will continue to do well over the next few days .
7 I want to cry very much now because I think I 'm admitting to myself that , no matter what happens , lift is never going to be the same again .
8 I think better now but I think there 's probably it 's still quite still difficult quite difficult in the old er
9 I disapprove of diets so strongly because I think it 's wrong suddenly to deprive your body of certain foods .
10 I putted nicely today and I think I can do a lot better over the next three days . ’
11 erm so no certainly they asked me about it and so on but I think that rather like their food forum they might like to get a communications forum going erm because they 've been thinking about having a Business Club and various other things because they 're involved with the Management Programme and all sorts of things and they maybe going to do some training for heads and people like that
12 not to leave our handbags er in the car , not to leave the windows open and so on and I think that really dodges the issue of why people commit criminal acts .
13 I mean what I would ideally like is the society in which women could be both private and public people , and men too , so men would identify more with relationships in their families and so on and slightly less with work , and women less with the family and more with work , and I think that would make for much greater flexibility all round and I think children would benefit too .
14 It ca n't be anything else , formal savings is not on and I think when you small items I was rather distressed by some of them .
15 And the conservative group is running the council in the sense that labour has scrambled , obviously over the last few days , to reduce its tax level to something closer to the tories and I 'm going to stand with my fellow liberal democrats tonight and vote for a higher figure because , not only because I think that there 's sort of things we want to do in our budget , are b are b are better and and would be better done than not done , but because I think there 's a fundamental political ethical issue here and it 's one which has been confronting this country for a great many years and which is going to be crucial in the next election .
16 I also thinking about what we 're going to do is we would end up sounding like a Foster and Allen song anyway you know not deliberately but I think you know by the time we 'd have have by the time we do the way we 'd be able to do it it would sound like Foster and Allen .
17 Yeah well what I do sometimes I wear a thing just once and I think well it 's not dirty so I put it back in .
18 What I 'm trying to say is that it 's providing for people already here that I think should be a major item of population policy , and doing it not in a massive world sense , or even a country , but in particular areas as well .
19 I want people to be able to listen to the records over and over again and I think for that to happen you have to create a depth of information that 's rock solid .
20 Oh yeah , oh there 's hundred 's of jobs want doing round here again , but you do the same ones over and over again and I think to myself what a waste of a day .
21 I think the way it should be tackled is speak to about it , say that we still believe that y'know it ca n't go on forever obviously it ca n't go on forever because I think the longer it goes on the worse it 'll become in all honesty
22 We did land home eventually but I think Mrs Thwaites 's folks were understandably worried , wondering where we had got to .
23 ‘ He was a very unique person and I saw him more deeply than I think other people did .
24 Er , as I said the government has already accepted when we introduced the legislation last year in the criminal justice act on money laundering , that there are far wider er interests and fidrer fi far wider implications than there have been ever before and I think the government needs to do a little bit more to show that it is aware of international implications and the sheer scale of what we 're dealing with and er I touched earlier on the question of indemnity , er perhaps the minister could specifically address that point .
25 This punishment , though , was dealt more severely than I think it should have .
26 ‘ At that time they were way ahead and I think we still have a thing or two to learn from them , ’ he said .
27 ought to be said really , since Alan is not here and is erm is resigning , well perhaps that could come a little later on because I think both Joan and Alan er there should be some record other than this about the work they have put in for the Society er I mean the only idea I have , I do n't know how much of a a precedent this is , whether , whether anybody should be offered life membership of the the society or is that only for do you have to reach a certain age
28 Yes , I think is probably so and I think this is what we have got to do with girls .
29 So when I pe when I sit , when I think oh right I 'll have a piss up session this Saturday and I see one of my friends getting absolutely slaughtered it puts me off straight away because I think oh stupid , what , what a waste .
30 Bulbs , er probably not cos I think I 'll have to do while you 're at school cos daddy tells me it 's gon na rain this afternoon , I 'll have to do that this morning , pity that .
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